Optical Illusion : Simple Curved Lines

There are so many illusions based on the nature of two lines - parallel or curved. So many of them have been shared by us as well. This one is probably one of the simplest ones and yet it is able to achieve the desirable effect. These two lines are parallel in reality. You can even check and verify the statement. However, the pattern behind it that is made by concurrent lines is forcing us to perceive them as bent or curved.

category : TRICKY


Optical Illusion : Parallel Lines Shape-Distortion

What about the red lines? Do you think they are straight and parallel?

Optical Illusion : True Squares Shape-Distortion

Are these three true squares?

category : PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : Beautiful Pink Rose

This time, we have a beautiful afterimage illusion for you. Scroll to down to find an attached image. You have to concentrate on the left image (with green color) by looking at the cross in middle. Stare it for about a minute or longer (depending on the fact if you were able to achieve the illusion or not). Then immediately shift your eyes on the cross on the right image of black and white rose. You will find that it transforms into a beautiful pink rose.

category : AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Scary Eyes

Behold yourself as this illusion is definitely going to halt your breath. If it did not, then probably you have not glanced at the eyes properly? Are the eyes open? Where are the eyelashes then? Are they closed? Do you think that the eye lids were painted to generate that illusion? Or do you think that the eyelashes on the lower eye lid are painted and the upper trimmed to generate the illusion? Confused right? This is a remarkable body art that has left us speechless too. Anyhow, it is scary to glance at those eyes.

category : ART | FACE

Optical Illusion : Creative VHS Tapes Skull

Now this is really the mother of creativity. Someone has really done a lot of hard work creating this awesome skull illusion. But that really paid off right? The skull is really evident in the image at the first look itself. And he has made it all using the VHS tapes. Look at the image closely and you won't find anything else. Now that is really amazing. Hats off to the creativity and efforts of the artist.

category : AMAZING | ART

Optical Illusion : The Dark Knight Rises Movie Poster

This is one of the most popular movie poster illusions. We do think that all of you will agree. Also, everybody of you must have noticed the illusion as well because it is so clear. On the contrary, many of you might have noticed the illusion but had not given a serious thought about the buildings that have created it. The camera is placed in between the tall buildings that are being shattered leaving a shape of a bat (exactly like the way Nolan has represented in the movie or on the bat suit). This is creativity at its best.

Optical Illusion : Converging Checkers

This is one of the simple physiological illusions. You can clearly see the checkers converging just right of the middle. Probably you can also feel like the two different planes are rolling down at that point. However, that is not true and this is only what you are perceiving. The reason behind this is the difference in the width of the checkers that is decreasing as they reach that point. It makes us think like they are ultimately falling down or rolling down at that point.

Optical Illusion : Length of Lines

Here, you can see three different lines in the picture. What makes these three lines different from each other is the arrows at the end. But does the length of line differs as well? Of course it looks like it differs. So let us tell you what to do. Take a ruler and literally measure these lines on your screen. You will be surprised to find out that the lines are of exact same size. So why does they appear of different sizes? This is due to the arrow signs at the end. These signs make it appear like the lengths are different.

category : LOGIC | TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Freeing The Birds

This is an extremely impressive illusion. We know that what appears to be is not happening in real but there are hardly any traces that suggest it. The best aspect is how greatly the picture is timed. Any second delay would have completely destroyed what this illusion has achieved. To tell you, a guy is holding the jar near to the camera lens and the birds are flying high up in the sky. The angle combined with perspective has been responsible for what you are seeing here. It's beautiful right?

Optical Illusion : Hidden Faces in the Ocean

This picture is taken under the ocean and displays the underwater life along with a few sea divers that are on to an adventure of their own. You can even see a lot many fishes and among all of it are two facing in towards each other not in the proper sense but in the directional sense. Waves, scuba divers fishes, corals; everything contribute in the formation of the faces. We don't know how much is real and how much is edited but the overall effect is impressive.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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