Optical Illusion : Showering the Man with Water

How will you feel if somebody unknown does that to you? Well we will be pretty enraged. But the fact here is that it is not happening in real. Yes you read it right. That person holding the shower is merely watering the plants which are blooming in the back. The person sitting on the bench is sitting ahead from that place. Actually there is the bend on the margin wall and the bench is situated at the inside bend. This makes both the watering guy and the sitting guy in the same line. This is why it appears so.

category : FUNNY


Optical Illusion : Famous Rotating Circles Wallpaper

While this appear to be an extremely attractive wallpaper, just move your eyes randomly over the image and you will find the circles moving. It's really fun.

category : MOVING

Optical Illusion : Impossible Lego Construction

Just look at this figure. It is pretty clear that it is impossible to exist in the real world. But what if we tell you that it is a real one. No tampering or digital manipulation has been done with the image and it is perfectly a real one.

Shocked right? Just to give you a hint, this illusion works only from a specific angle. Also, the image is much flatter than it seems. Now you got it right?

Optical Illusion : Middle of the Circle

Can you find out which of the given black dots marks the center of the circle?

category : TRICKY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Spiders on the Roof 3D Art

Now that is something creepy. The giant spiders crawling over the roof makes us think that we are living in Hogwarts right? This artist deserves a salute from us for hi amazing talent. There is no way that you can say that this pair of spiders is not real if you look from the bird eye view. It will be interesting to see how they look while you stand on the roof though.

Optical Illusion : Rock Climbing

How many of you were able to recognize that it was just an illusion in the first go? You have an amazing observation if you were able to. This man is actually lying over the floor and the camera is places so beautifully with a perfect camera angle that it appears that he is actually climbing a rock. The expressions add up to the illusion. But look at the arm with no muscles tensed. Look at how his body is pulled by the ground due to gravity.

Optical Illusion : Vibrating Pink Pattern

This illusion has no installed brakes. It keeps on vibrating constantly even if you look at it for a sec or for a minute. But at just a couple of seconds, you may perceive a spiral as well. This spiral does not rotate at a specific direction enhancing the trippy nature of the image. Were you able to spot that spiral? Did you notice something else too? Mention your experience in t7he comments section.

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Hidden Face in the Environment

This picture is a little too over occupied but then, it is creating a magnificent illusion. There is a lot in this picture that you can perceive. Let us begin with the basic environment which is constituted by the tree, grass, shrub, water/river and the buildings on the far end. There is something in the middle of the image but we are not sure what it is. The next major thing you will perceive is a face formed using all the objects in the picture. There is something very deep about the face. Oh but let us not dive into the pool of philosophy here. Let us enjoy this amazing ambiguous illusion for what all it is offering.

Optical Illusion : Legs Up or Down

This is a simple example of ambiguous illusion. Whoever has created this image has done a good job in framing the ambiguous effect. You just have to look at the picture and decide if it shows some feet raised up high or it shows some feet hanging down. Confused right? Let us tell you a secret. The image works in both ways. This is because it has been created in such a way. The artist has just fused the image so you may perceive both in a single image.

category : ART | PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : Freeing The Birds

This is an extremely impressive illusion. We know that what appears to be is not happening in real but there are hardly any traces that suggest it. The best aspect is how greatly the picture is timed. Any second delay would have completely destroyed what this illusion has achieved. To tell you, a guy is holding the jar near to the camera lens and the birds are flying high up in the sky. The angle combined with perspective has been responsible for what you are seeing here. It's beautiful right?

Optical Illusion : Face of Paris

This illusion has become popular by this name. Of course you can see the Eiffel Tower in it and that is the reason. This picture shows the beautiful city and a girl walking under the rain with an umbrella. But along with that, it is giving an illusion of a face and thus the name Face of Paris. If you view the trees as eyes, the lady as the nose, you will be able to find the face. Now, this is an amazing illusion. This is because much of it is a real image and not a modified thing. Amazing right?

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