Optical Illusion : Famous Sander

Which of the blue lines is longer than the other?


Optical Illusion : Crazy Shaky Trippy

This illusion is also known as the pulsating illusion. Just concentrate a bit on the center and move your eyes to random areas to find the whole image shaking or pulsating.

category : TRIPPY | MOVING

Optical Illusion : Endless Vibrating

This illusion never stops. Just try it to find out yourself. As per the name, the whole image especially the centered patter seems to be vibrating at a rapid pace. Some people even experience the circling down effect along with the vibrations.

category : TRIPPY | MOVING

Optical Illusion : Strange Disappearing Act

Mind us when we say that this one is not one of the regular disappearing illusions you may have seen. It has a bit different flavor to it. You can see two different images below. First, look in the center of the first image for some time. Now move your eyes to the center of the second image. What did you see? You might have seen some strange patterns moving. Or did you see something else? Did the image fade out or flicker? You can try one more thing with this illusion. After staring for some time, if you move your head closer and away from the screen, you will see some awesome effects. Drop in your experiences in the comment section.

category : AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Magical Contrast Changing Cube

This illusion will leave you all shocked. Trust us, we are not exaggerating this time. It is a crazy one and you will keep doing it for 4-5 more times with a grin on your face and a puzzle in your mind of how it happened. You can see a cube or a block in the picture. Notice the contrast between the two surfaces. Now take your index finger and keep it horizontally over the dividing seam. Did you notice a change in the contrast of the two surfaces the moment you put your finger over it? Do it again and again to see the same effect all the times.

category : LOGIC | AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Astonishing Chess Pieces

We have something for you that will leave you completely shocked. Now this illusion can be a bit tricky and you will have to understand first before trying it. We are telling you that the two set of chess pieces that you see in the image below are of exactly same gradient. Don't be so fast to mock at us. Now if you want to prove it, just open the image in any image editing software. Now carefully pick up any spot in the first image of any chess piece. Check at the same spot in the second image and you will agree with the fact that they certainly are of same gradient.

Optical Illusion : Impossible pair of Prong

This image is pretty self-explanatory. At the very first look, you can determine that this is really impossible to be crafted out in real world. But the surprising thing is how believable this figure looks. This is probably one of the simplest example of paradox illusion you will come across. It has been formed just by using some straight lines and still it conveys the true nature of paradox excellently.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Headless Girl in Restaurant

Well this is a sheer sign of creativity. You can clearly see a girl sitting along with another girl who has a head missing. The first thought will obviously be that the photo has been edited. But let us tell you that it is not the trick here. Can you find some salt and pepper boxes in the picture. Why are they double? It is because there is a mirror in between for the partition. This is the reason why you are seeing a headless girl. It is actually a mirror reflection. You are seeing only till the mirror is there. Isn't it awesome? Well you can try the same when you are sitting in a similar fashioned restaurant next time.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Trashing the Sun

Now this man is doing something that probably makes him the most powerful man on the earth. He has literally kept the sun in the mobile dustbin and now he is going to trash the sun. Well that's just how it appears to be. But hands down, it is so impressive that we must applause for the creative mind. The placement, the angle of camera and the perspective, everything is just perfect and makes it so amazing an illusion. Does this illusion stir up your creative minds to create something of your own?

Optical Illusion : Superman Elevator Door

This is the work of an extremely creative mind. We guess all of you must have watched superman movies and must be familiar with what is happening here. It's like superman is opening his shirt to reveal his costume. On the inside of the elevator, you find a superman poster pasted on the far end. But at this point do you think that this would have appeared even better if the insides were painted as the superman costume instead of the poster applied? Anyhow, this is a great elevator illusion and hats off to the creativity.

category : COOL | ART

Optical Illusion : Hidden Woman Face

Here is another painting optical illusion for guys who love this sub category. What this painting portrays is the grey mountains and warriors. You can see one on the horse and three others. But among all this, there is a face that has been composed using all these elements. If you look carefully you can find where. The whole painting seems to be a portrait once you are able to recognize the face in it. The face is of an old woman. The horse acting as the nose and the horse rider acting as one of the eye. You will be able to trace the entire face now.

category : ART | FACE

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