Optical Illusion : Cool Rotating Circles

Move your head closer to the screen and then move it away. Do it back and forth. What do you find?


Optical Illusion : Stunning Anamorphic Sculpture

This is one of the most stunning anamorphic structure we have ever come across. Just think about the calculations that are necessary before creating such an illusion. This process cannot just rely on artistic hands but also requires a lot of patience and computing. The sculptor Jonty Hurwitz does computing before he begins sculpting such anamorphic illusions. The output is simply fabulous. Search for the artist for more of such illusions by him.

Optical Illusion : Pillars or Figures

What did you see at the very first look of this image - figures or pillars? It is astonishing how simple pillars create an illusion if the spaces between them is filled with a contrasting black color. So don't worry if you saw the pillars or the figures, in the second or the third look, you will be able to see both of them. It is nothing but an illusion and pretty good and convincing at that.

Optical Illusion : Creepy Tree

This image has surly been modified a little. But the result is excellent and it does not appear as fake. Even without the skull illusion this tree would have looked creepy enough but that illusion has made it even more eerie. Now it can surly be used as a movie poster of any horror movie. How did you find this skull illusion? Do leave your feedback in the comments section and don't forget to share it if you liked it.

Optical Illusion : Dragon Coffee Foam Art

Now this seems like an angry fire breathing dragon. But who knows, it can be a friendly one straight out from the movie how to train your dragon. The thing to concentrate here is that the artist has done a marvelous job even though the strokes are simple. Can you try creating a similar art yourself? Probably it will be much easier to make the rest of the body when compared to the head. But anyhow, we do appreciate the creativity of the artist.

category : COOL | ART

Optical Illusion : The Giant Man

These kind of illusions are pretty popular. The reason is simple. They care easy to create if you know the technique and also as they are real fun. The people who are bending down are actually far away than the man whose foot is visible and implying to be crushing them underneath. The camera angle is chose in a manner that both the foot and the people appear to be aligned in the same image. Since the foot is close to camera, it appears giant and the people who are far away looks tiny in comparison. Isn't it amazing? Make sure you try a similar thing next time you are out with friends.

Optical Illusion : Giant Waterfall on Street

Now this is an amazing work of art. The details with which the artist has worked is just fabulous. It seems like the entire street has been converted into a giant waterfall. Especially the close end of the picture that shows the falling water has been done marvelously. The colors, the shadows, the lighting and the presentation overall is all too great. Doing something so big, it must have required a great talent and a good amount of patience and courage. Hats off to the artist who did this. This is one of the most extensive street art we have ever seen.

Optical Illusion : Dirty Logo

Now, whoever has made this logo either had a very dirty mind or simply could not understand how it could be perceived? We are sure you have already perceived it thinking with your dirty minds. It is actually funny. Consider the huge sized logo in the banners. Wouldn't the passerby actually laugh at it? Sometimes, people actually don't give it a thought. It is only after one has designed something that the realization hits him but it's too late by then. We hope this company changed their logo quickly.

Optical Illusion : Metro City Shadow Art

What if we would have hidden the objects that have been placed and displayed just the shadow part of this picture? We are sure that you would never have believed what was responsible for casting the shadow right? Now look at the objects that have been used. Although not much is clear due to the small dimensions of the picture but you can certainly make out a few objects. Isn't it just amazing? We are sure that there are endless possibilities that can be explored now that you know what to do. So, why don't make some of your own?

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Lost in Thoughts Couple

There is no need for us to explain anything to you in this illusion. We think you have already got the idea. There is a pile of garbage that has been kept on the floor. When light was thrown, this is what was obtained in the shadow. Of course it is not a coincidence. An artist actually worked hard for creating it. By looking at the facial features like nose and lips, you might wonder how this can be possible. But the artist did it. A lot of hard work and patience must be behind the project. The pigeons in the front are merely adding a reality touch to the picture.

category : AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Ship with Scraped Metal

So, we have come up with another scraped metal shadow illusion. This time, it is a ship, a huge sailing ship. Again, if you look at the scraped and welded metal, nothing is clear. No one can have any idea why the metal pieces have been welded in this manner. But the moment you throw light on the scraped metal, you find a shadow on the opposite side that is enough to sweep you off your feet. A huge ship is what you see and then comes the wondering. How is this even possible? Well you have to ask the artist for the explanation.

category : AMAZING

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