Optical Illusion : Romantic Heart Coffee Foam Art

Imagine waking up to a cup of coffee as mentioned in this post. How romantic will it be if your partner made this little coffee foam art for you early morning! Yes this is one of the simplest art you will come across under the category but sometimes the emotions matter much more than the art. This simple art is capable of mending broken hearts or kick starting a bright day. Never underestimate the power of romantic gestures. As much simple as they may seem, they can be a powerful catalyst to any relationship.

category : ART


Optical Illusion : Popular Parallel Lines

How many of these lines are parallel?

Optical Illusion : Amazing Missing Shapes

What geometrical figure can you perceive in the two images?

Optical Illusion : The Mantis that Rode a Bike

This outdoor illusion is a fabulous one. Just look at the picture. It is a Mantis and it is on a sweet ride heading to who knows if saving his girlfriend from hooligans or criminals. Whoever clicked the snap at the right moment has captured a great illusion. Of course, this photo is also quiet good from the technical point of view. It's really crazy how randomly you can come across such illusions in your day to day life.

Optical Illusion : Imbalanced See-Saw

Carefully look at the see-saw picture below. You will find that it is slanted towards the triangle. This is probably due to the weight of the triangle kept on the right side. So go ahead and measure the distance between the see-saw and the base and get ready to be amazed. The distance will obviously be equal as this see-saw is not imbalanced but perfectly balanced. You see it slant due to the across lined texture drawn opposite in the base and the see-saw plane. It forms an illusion that things are imbalanced.

Optical Illusion : Tilted Road

We remember posting a similar illusion on our website a last month. We are back with another one. This one surely looks more believable and covers a few weak points which were present in the last. For starters, they are just lying down on the pavement. See the shadow of the front man's hand. This can't be possible right? They are actually taking the support of the surface to keep their body above the surface. The camera has been tilted and thus the whole scenario seems titled. Anyhow, it is a job well done. Now this is one of those creative illusions that you can definitely try.

Optical Illusion : Cute Cat Carving

Now one has to be a serious cat lover to carve such a cute version of the cat ironically on a jack-o'-lantern which are meant to be scary or creepy. The carving is three dimensional and it gives much needed depth to this illusion. The details are fine and smooth offering it a realistic look. The front limbs near the mouth is actually offering it the cuteness. The big eyes expresses much as well. A job well done by the artist.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Reversed World

At the first glance, especially when you don't read the title of this illusion, you will be amazed. You will feel like you are watching an amazing piece of art or an extremely beautifully edited image as this is not possible in the real world. How can it be? When you are done with adorning the image, you can just turn this image 180 degrees and find out the truth. This is what exactly was going on. This photo has just been turned upside down and the shadows have been made by an overhead sun. Next time when you come across anything like this, do not forget to tilt the image to find out truth.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Realistic Planes Sketch

These planes reminded us of the popular cartoon series Talespin. The crafts look alike don't they? The planes looks realistic and the art is amazing but what's more amazing is the illusion that the artist has created giving us an effect that these planes exist in a three dimensional plane. The fact however is that they are merely two dimensional sketches. Look at the shadow below them. That does offer more depth to the planes and make them appear to be three dimensional.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Kung-Fu Panda

In this picture, you can see a boat with three kids sitting inside the boat. They have long branches in their hands that they have raised high in the air. The artist has given a distinct shape to the leaves that is merging together to form a beloved cartoon figure i.e. the Kung-Fu Panda. We are sure all of you must have seen the movies. Simple yet great right? It is amazing for sure. This kind of art can inspire the artist in you to try something of your own because it's simple and just require a creative mind.

Optical Illusion : Ice Cream Cloud

This has to be a creative take on the cloud illusions. It appears to be that someone is eating an ice cream cone inside which the clouds are making up for the ice cream portion. How to achieve it? Whenever you find a similar cloud, hold an ice cream cone close to the camera and position accordingly before clicking the picture. Of course, one has to give credit to this creativity. It is easy to imitate things but difficult to think of them originally.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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