Optical Illusion : Mother Nature Tree Illusion

It is often astonishing how Mother Nature crafts using her skillful hands. We have shared a few tree illusions with you so far and this is not much different from them. You can clearly trace a female figure in this picture. The best thing is that the feminine curves are quite evident in this picture making it so much more impressive. The hands and the face are evident too from this angle. A job well done by the one who clicked the picture we must say.


Optical Illusion : Amazing Horizontal Circles Distortion

Are the given two circles horizontal?

Optical Illusion : Stunning Anamorphic Sculpture

This is one of the most stunning anamorphic structure we have ever come across. Just think about the calculations that are necessary before creating such an illusion. This process cannot just rely on artistic hands but also requires a lot of patience and computing. The sculptor Jonty Hurwitz does computing before he begins sculpting such anamorphic illusions. The output is simply fabulous. Search for the artist for more of such illusions by him.

Optical Illusion : Waving Acid Blobs

Now this trippy illusion can definitely give some people a headache. Thus, it is advisable not to look for longer duration. At the first moment itself, you can see the blobs waving as if they were placed over a wave. Do you see something else than the mere waving? Do post in your comments if you do.

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Mutilated Face

This is a horrible picture. We are sure that so many of you might have closed your eyes seeing it or may be wishing blessings to the poor man. His face is so much mutilated and no one should put such a picture anywhere. But wait is it really a face of a man? What if we ask you to save this picture on your system and then try rotating it clockwise at 90 degrees? What do you see now? You will be astonished to find out that this picture is actually of a dog sleeping peacefully. You never had expected that right?

Optical Illusion : Imbalanced See-Saw

Carefully look at the see-saw picture below. You will find that it is slanted towards the triangle. This is probably due to the weight of the triangle kept on the right side. So go ahead and measure the distance between the see-saw and the base and get ready to be amazed. The distance will obviously be equal as this see-saw is not imbalanced but perfectly balanced. You see it slant due to the across lined texture drawn opposite in the base and the see-saw plane. It forms an illusion that things are imbalanced.

Optical Illusion : Uneven Circle

You might have seen so many similar illusions so far if you love them. This is another one of those distorted illusions that you have already seen with some variations. The circle amidst the distorted lines appears to be uneven as well. However that is not truth and only an illusion. The distorted lines themselves are responsible in creating this illusion. The lines are drawn in different directions and thus the circle appears to be distorted in several directions. If they would have been in the same direction, the circle might have appeared regular.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Dog Man

Now this is something really amusing. It really feels like there is a dog human or dogman sitting on the seat. Were you able to find the truth behind this illusion? Actually there is a person sitting on the seat and next to him, there is a dog. The person's head is not visible because he is probably dozing off with his head lying out of the range of camera. This is the reason that you are seeing a dogman instead of two different living beings in the picture. The illusion is amazing though.

Optical Illusion : Framing the Sun

It looks like this guy is holding a photo frame which contains an amazing painting of the sun. The truth is however not that. This guy is just holding a hollow wooden frame. What you see inside the frame is actually the real sun that have been clouded. The background color in the frame and the sky gives it away. But that is a unique approach and highly creative. Moreover, now that you know how to do it, you can create some interesting picture of yours as well. If you do that, do not forget to send us.

Optical Illusion : Kill Bill

That's just a normal man. But wait what do you see as the door opens? The man is literally split into two and when the doors open fully you know the reason. Uma Thurman is literally on a killing spree again. The blood smeared sword puts the additional details to the illusion. Well obviously if you are not familiar with the movie you might be wondering what we are babbling about. So for the people who don't know, this illusion signifies a popular movie franchise. It is giving an illusion that the girl with the sword has cut the man into half with the sword.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Creepy Owl Carving

One can consider this craving as 2.5 dimensional as it does not have much depth to it. But the carving is extremely detailed. The tree branches, the owl's body and detailing over the face has been done with much detail. Frankly, it does not even look like a carving. It looks as if someone has sketched into a piece of paper; it is that much detailed. Must have taken a lot of time we guess. Anyhow, we loved this carved illusion. Do you?

category : ART

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