Optical Illusion : Mind Blowing Artifice Painting

This is an absolute masterpiece. Of course you will be able to see two different things and situations in this painting. The first one is the portrait which is quite clear. But what helped in making the portrait? The other picture/situation is of a girl standing and awaiting the approaching train. Her hair have been used to form the eyes of the portrait, her arm the nose, the folds of her dress as the mouth and beard. Just look at the ear of the portrait. You will find a street lamp and a person. The steam emerging from the train form the hair of the portrait. Amazing right? Definitely it is.

category : AMAZING | ART


Optical Illusion : Parallel Lines Shape-Distortion

What about the red lines? Do you think they are straight and parallel?

Optical Illusion : Vanishing Surfaces

You might have already understood what you have to do right? You just have to stare at the black dot in the middle. Stare it long enough concentrating on nothing else except the dot and you will find that the blue surfaces disappear suddenly. Although, the image might have looked so simple to you in the beginning, the final effect of the illusion is really something right? We are sure that the people who like disappearing effects, will like this simple yet powerful illusion.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Gorgeous Girl Afterimage

You might have seen endless afterimage illusions of so many celebrities. It all began with the Jesus Illusion and then the social media sites were flooded with such illusions. This is a similar kind of illusion. We have a gorgeous girl for you in this illusion. She might appear as a clown with that red blog on her nose. But that is where you have to stare and long enough (a minute or half a minute). After you are done, look at the white space on the right and blink your eyes to see a gorgeous girl.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Spot the Scary Thing

At the first look, this image just shows a few dead branches with some grass. It is pretty normal and you might have across such things walking into the forests and the farms. But if you can spot the thing, you will be scare to do that now. Concentrate on the image and you will definitely be able to find it. If you were not able to, then try a few times more and then read further. There is a creepy giant spider in this image camouflaged perfectly. So next time you are having an adventurous walk into the forests, beware before stepping in such areas.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Bent Black and White Straws

It seems as if the straws that are shown here were tied at some places together which has caused the unusual bending of them. So do one thing. Take a ruler and measure the distance between any two straws at different places. You will be shocked to see that the straws have equal distance between them which means that they are absolutely straight. So why does our eyes perceive them as bent? It is because of the spiral texture made with contrasting colors black and white.

Optical Illusion : Three Legged Girl

Even when we looked at this illusion at first, we were shocked. We guess you are having a similar fate right? For a couple of seconds we could not find out what was going on in this picture and then our eyes fell on the vase. Have you located the vase yet? Just look at her hands. She is holding an empty flower vase whose color matches with the stockings over her legs. The left most leg is actually a vase. But that is not how one can perceive it to be without exploring and looking at the image carefully right?

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Wiping Man's Nose

Now this is one of the hilarious ones. Excellent timing we must say. It appears like the man who is wiping the poster clean is actually wiping his nose or scratching it. The expressions of the man in the picture makes it look so much realistic. It appears as if he is being irritate by the man who is wiping as he is picking on his nose. Of course, he is just cleaning the poster and he does not even know that he is being clicked at this particular moment. But we are sure he will have a good laugh after someone shows him this picture.

Optical Illusion : The Wrinkled Face Pumpkin

This is a unique thing. The person is acting as if he is actually holding the face skin. However, the carving has been done in a fashion that imparts the look that you're getting here. Other than that, just look at the detailing the artist has given to this pumpkin. The eyes, nose and even the lips are so realistic that one can't believe easily that this is not a computer generated image but a real carving. Some artists go way beyond our imagination and the output is what you are seeing here. It is amazing in every sense.

category : ART | FACE

Optical Illusion : Sailing in the Sky

Obviously, this painting is a paradox. This is not possible and self-contradictory. The fact is that the sea has been merged with the sky which can't exists in real world. But for the painters, anything is possible. The land is getting merged with the water and the water is getting merged with sky. The ships thus appear to be sailing in the sky. However if you look at the far end, it is sailing rightfully in the water. The overall effect of this illusion is quite interesting.

category : IMPOSSIBLE | ART

Optical Illusion : Floating Tap

This image is bound to generate curiosity in every mind. "How is this possible?" is the question which crops up in mind after seeing this. This marvelous illusion is created with the help of a hidden pipe under the stream of water. This whole structure stands on it. While supporting the structure, the pipe also serves as water carrier.

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