Optical Illusion : Length of Lines

Here, you can see three different lines in the picture. What makes these three lines different from each other is the arrows at the end. But does the length of line differs as well? Of course it looks like it differs. So let us tell you what to do. Take a ruler and literally measure these lines on your screen. You will be surprised to find out that the lines are of exact same size. So why does they appear of different sizes? This is due to the arrow signs at the end. These signs make it appear like the lengths are different.

category : LOGIC | TRICKY


Optical Illusion : Cool Rotating Circles

Move your head closer to the screen and then move it away. Do it back and forth. What do you find?

Optical Illusion : Diagonal Grey Lines

As you move your eyes in the picture, can you spot the grey diagonal lines?

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Magical Rainbow in the Sky

This is a simple illusion but we promise you that the result is likely to put a smile on your face. Yeah right that is what some of the illusions are meant for. So, there is an image on rainbow below. If you spot a black dot, you're good to go. Just stare at that black dot concentrating a bit for about twenty five seconds. Now immediately look at the sky. What do you see? You will be able to see a rainbow in the sky if you do it right. Interesting right?

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Two Afterimages in One

Now this illusion is pretty much the same you might have witnessed so many times. But there is something that makes it stand out of the crowd. That is the fact that there are two illusions hiding in one image. Scroll down below and you will see an image. Corresponding to it is a white space. Now the image is made by two separate rectangles. Just stare at the center dot for a while and then shift your gaze from that image to the empty rectangles on the right. You must be able to see one of the rectangle right? Now you can do something interesting. If you achieved the illusion of horizontal rectangle, concentrate on the vertical rectangle this time and vice versa. You will be surprised to find that you see the both of them corresponding to which one of the two rectangles you put your concentration into.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Mutilated Face

This is a horrible picture. We are sure that so many of you might have closed your eyes seeing it or may be wishing blessings to the poor man. His face is so much mutilated and no one should put such a picture anywhere. But wait is it really a face of a man? What if we ask you to save this picture on your system and then try rotating it clockwise at 90 degrees? What do you see now? You will be astonished to find out that this picture is actually of a dog sleeping peacefully. You never had expected that right?

Optical Illusion : Simple Curved Lines

There are so many illusions based on the nature of two lines - parallel or curved. So many of them have been shared by us as well. This one is probably one of the simplest ones and yet it is able to achieve the desirable effect. These two lines are parallel in reality. You can even check and verify the statement. However, the pattern behind it that is made by concurrent lines is forcing us to perceive them as bent or curved.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Legs Up or Down

This is a simple example of ambiguous illusion. Whoever has created this image has done a good job in framing the ambiguous effect. You just have to look at the picture and decide if it shows some feet raised up high or it shows some feet hanging down. Confused right? Let us tell you a secret. The image works in both ways. This is because it has been created in such a way. The artist has just fused the image so you may perceive both in a single image.

category : ART | PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : Man inside Coffee Cup

Now this is a funny one. Especially when you look at the expressions of the man and with a rubber duck sitting at the top of the camera lens with almost same size as that of the man. So what is the trick here? Actually the coffee cup is quite close to the camera lens. The man is however sitting at the other side. His body has been hidden by the cup and the cup appears so large just because of the perspective. This is quite simple to achieve and you can all try at your respective homes.

Optical Illusion : Robotic Man

A matter of excellent timing or an excellent angle? Well we can say that both matters here. It appears at the first look that the person sitting is actually a robot or at least a robot faced. The picture is clicked from behind the holding bars and that is the reason why it looks like that. So any other angle or any odd timing would have ruined this illusion. If you liked the illusion, do not forget to share it among your friends. Sharing is caring.

category : FUNNY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Mickey Mouse Live Sketch

This is a brilliant work of art. If you remove the piece of paper from his hand, you will notice that the picture actually comprised of stairs leading to the surface. The artist took the liberty to draw those stairs on the paper and made Mickey Mouse stand on top of the last step. He wrote down an amazing quote and drew additional things that are not present in the original seascape. Then he took the picture of his art from a distance and at an angle from where it merges with the real environment. Amazing really!

category : ART

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