Optical Illusion : Leaf Coffee Foam Art

This is another simple coffee foam art. But still, it looks pretty neat and professional right? You won't mind to be surprised with it in a cafe right? It's a leaf according to us. But can you perceive it as something else? Do drop in your comments if you can find any other image popping out of this art.

category : ART


Optical Illusion : Standard Moving Square

Hold back your head steady. Now just scroll the webpage up and down with moderate speed. What do you see?

Optical Illusion : Popular Ikemath's Impossible Pillars

The first thing to notice in this illusion is the placement of the watch along with the figure. What does it tell? Certainly it has been kept there to tell us that this illusion is created in real world and thus is pretty possible even though it looks so impossible. But how? To know that we must have the access of the object itself. It is a particular camera angle that makes it appear in this manner. What if we chose another camera angle?

Optical Illusion : Spellbinding 3D Maze Art

Whoever has created this stunning illusion using just a single color shade over the grass, is definitely a great artist. The depth, the heights are so real that you might want to roam around in the maze for a while. The person standing on his hands is adding to the overall depth of the illusion. Really respect the artist for his amazing talent.

category : AMAZING | ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Disappearing Stripes

Are you up for another disappearing effect optical illusion? Hop on to the image below if you are. We know that you don't need our instructions but for the sake of the first timers, here is what you have to do. You can see a small red dot in the middle of the image. You just have to stare at that dot for a few moments and you will find the grey stripes vanishing into thin air right in front of your eyes. Pardon for the exaggerated verses but isn't it downright cool as an effect? Do not follow to subscribe us for more of such illusions.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Kinked Cotton Band

This is a pretty simple yet effective illusion that you can try at your homes too. It is a cotton band with a regular pattern. Do you feel that it is narrowing down on the left while broadening towards the right? If you feel that, it is because of the pattern. The closing pattern of lines towards the left makes it appear slimmer in width towards the left however it is not. To try this illusion at home, all you need is a white sheet of paper. Draw similar black lines over the paper after cutting it to roughly the same width. Now check it.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Touching the Moon

This guy has achieved what might be a dream of so many. He has touched the moon. This illusion is really awesome. There are so many things that are involved to make it believable and appear so amazing. The biker guy must have been stunting. The bike is merely in the air and the camera angle is so perfect that it really feels that he is touching the moon. The camera angle and the timing was most important is creating this illusion and that has been done neatly.

Optical Illusion : Horned Man

We do hope this man does not look at this capture by the photographer. He will be angry for sure. If there was less light over the sheds, no one would have known that the horns actually belongs to the cow or bull standing behind him. We can just wonder what someone can do with this picture utilizing his Photoshop skills. Anyhow, we have to give it to the photographer that this is an extremely well timed photograph. Thumbs up for the job done here.

Optical Illusion : Using Escalator

This escalator leads straight to some sort of aquarium we guess seeking the blue water and the plant life that is visible from here. But what if we tell you that there is no escalator and the man is basically standing on a flat surface which has been painted to give an illusion of what we are seeing right now? You will be shocked like we were. This is because no one can predict that this staircase is actually just a 3d painting done by the artist. Full marks for innovation as well as the art. Seriously, these illusions proves that art has no limit.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Amazing Landscape Painting

Even though this illusion is not a complex one, it is soothing to the eyes and an amazing work of art. Those are just the mountains and a river with a boat in it. You can see some clouds in the sky as well. But what makes the cloud different is how the artist has managed to pull the cloud into his artistic approach and form hot air balloon with them. This is the ISP of this illusion. Even though there is not a lot into it but this sole thought makes it so much impressive.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Statue Trumpet Blowing Clouds

Alright, someone has got a great creativity and sense of perspective or camera angle. Of course if you were present at the place and were looking from some different direction, you would not have been able to see it like this. The photographer chose this specific angle to create the illusion that you are watching right now. But to decide the camera angle, you must first have a creative mind to think about it in that sense. It feels as if the clouds are coming out through the trumpet. Definitely a good cloud illusion.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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