Optical Illusion : Hidden Face under Pebbles

This picture appears to be a top view of tons of pebbles. It could exist anywhere but what is so special about these pebbles? Can you spot a face in these pebbles? If you look carefully at the center, you will see that the pebbles are forming facial features like eyes, nose and lips clearly and there is a faint hint of the overall outline of a face as well. Now this is clearly a Photoshop edited image but the overall illusion is nice.

category : FACE


Optical Illusion : Pink Color Test

There are two blocks of pink colors. Are they the same shade?

Optical Illusion : Fibonacci Swollen Square

It's a 3D figure right. We can clearly make out the swollen middle square. But wait it's not a 3D image. Or is it?

category : LOGIC | PUZZLES

Optical Illusion : Easy Odd One Out

Can you quickly find out the odd one in the picture?

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Impossible Lego Construction

Just look at this figure. It is pretty clear that it is impossible to exist in the real world. But what if we tell you that it is a real one. No tampering or digital manipulation has been done with the image and it is perfectly a real one.

Shocked right? Just to give you a hint, this illusion works only from a specific angle. Also, the image is much flatter than it seems. Now you got it right?

Optical Illusion : Scary Eyes

Behold yourself as this illusion is definitely going to halt your breath. If it did not, then probably you have not glanced at the eyes properly? Are the eyes open? Where are the eyelashes then? Are they closed? Do you think that the eye lids were painted to generate that illusion? Or do you think that the eyelashes on the lower eye lid are painted and the upper trimmed to generate the illusion? Confused right? This is a remarkable body art that has left us speechless too. Anyhow, it is scary to glance at those eyes.

category : ART | FACE

Optical Illusion : The Dark Knight Rises Movie Poster

This is one of the most popular movie poster illusions. We do think that all of you will agree. Also, everybody of you must have noticed the illusion as well because it is so clear. On the contrary, many of you might have noticed the illusion but had not given a serious thought about the buildings that have created it. The camera is placed in between the tall buildings that are being shattered leaving a shape of a bat (exactly like the way Nolan has represented in the movie or on the bat suit). This is creativity at its best.

Optical Illusion : Imaginary Tunnel

Today, we have brought you an illusion that will take y our breath away. This illusion can explain the true nature of physiological illusions accurately. If you look at the image below (which might appear to be a bit trippy), you will find that a tunnel or a hall with pillars has been formed using black and white colored stripes. But what if we tell you that they are just plain 2d colors which have been used in a particular pattern or manner that it gives you an illusion that you are looking at a tunnel or hall. This is exactly how two plain colors can play with our mind by simulating information that is not correct at all.

Optical Illusion : Thirsty Horse

Now this is an excellent image. Other than the beautiful seascape, you can also find an illusion here. Look at the far end of the image on the left side. It is just the part of the island but can you trace a figure in that? Well yes, it do appears like a horse for us. We are sure you can also relate this figure with a horse. Also, since his face appears to be touching the water surface, it looks like you are looking at a thirsty horse drinking water from the sea.

Optical Illusion : Giant Coffee Cup

It looks like someone from the Gulliver Travels has left is coffee cup on the road and that tiny human is trying to sort is cocoa powder in the coffee cup. Probably the artist has painted the cup too white and it is not matching up with the environment. This is the reason why one can clearly make out that it has been painted and it's not real. Other than that the shiny surface creating HDR reflections has been done pretty nicely. And gosh it actually looks like he is sitting there. See his knee is actually hiding the portion of cup in that area.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Mind Blowing Artifice Painting

This is an absolute masterpiece. Of course you will be able to see two different things and situations in this painting. The first one is the portrait which is quite clear. But what helped in making the portrait? The other picture/situation is of a girl standing and awaiting the approaching train. Her hair have been used to form the eyes of the portrait, her arm the nose, the folds of her dress as the mouth and beard. Just look at the ear of the portrait. You will find a street lamp and a person. The steam emerging from the train form the hair of the portrait. Amazing right? Definitely it is.

category : AMAZING | ART

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