Optical Illusion : Head out of Mouth

In this picture, it appears as if a head is popping out of this man's mouth. It is pretty much like those horror movies we see these days. It was a hand in The Possession and seems they have improved from hand to a complete head. However this is just the result of a photo bomb. The head belongs to a person who is present at the far end of the picture. The positioning has been set to ultimately give out the effect that the head is coming out of the mouth.


Optical Illusion : Different or Same Brightness

Are the grey blocks on the left lighter in shade than the right ones?

Optical Illusion : Classic Trippy Roller

Can you see the pattern rolling as if there were three giant rollers rolling simultaneously? Try to run your eyes from left to right and back and see the miracle happen.

category : TRIPPY | MOVING

Optical Illusion : Famous Ebbinghaus

Which of these orange circle is larger?

Optical Illusion : Same or Different Shades of Red?

Just look closely at the two given figures. Focus on the red dots. They are different shades right? Now just take this picture into any photo editing program and sample both the shades to receive a shock. The shades that looks so different are actually the same. So why does they look different? This is because of the different background shades that these two images have. Sometimes, our brain perceives things according to the background. This is an excellent example of the phenomenon.

category : LOGIC | TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Moving Orange Spirals

If you cover one half of the image and just look at only one spiral, you might not even perceive it as moving (some of you might still see them moving). But together, you can't deny that they are moving. Just look at them turn by turn without stopping and they will move as you move your eyes. Isn't it amazing?

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : The Dark Knight Rises Movie Poster

This is one of the most popular movie poster illusions. We do think that all of you will agree. Also, everybody of you must have noticed the illusion as well because it is so clear. On the contrary, many of you might have noticed the illusion but had not given a serious thought about the buildings that have created it. The camera is placed in between the tall buildings that are being shattered leaving a shape of a bat (exactly like the way Nolan has represented in the movie or on the bat suit). This is creativity at its best.

Optical Illusion : Giant Balloon

This girl has got some great set of lungs. Who can even think of blowing this big a balloon otherwise? Well that's not what she is doing in real. She is just enacting of doing that. The balloon is a normal sized one and it has been place quite close to the camera lens making it appear so big. The girl being far ahead appears small in the size relatively. It is just perspective. If you know how to play with it, you can create some wonders with your camera. This is just an idea to get your minds running.

Optical Illusion : Extra Long Hand

This is an example of excellent timing of the photographer. Or sheer luck? Well whatever it was, the picture has come out extremely well. The person standing in the middle appears to have grown an extra-long or mutant hand. So what exactly is happening here? Actually the person standing on his left is also stretching his arm in the same direction. So the wrist and the palm part of the man in the center is hidden behind the man left to him and his arm is stretched in the same direction making it appear like it's a same arm.

category : FUNNY | AMAZING

Optical Illusion : The Torn Paper

We are sure you assumed it to be a close-up of a woman's cleavage. But if only your dirty mind would have focused more on the safety pin at the top, probably you would have thought in some other direction. Just look at the four corners and you will realize that it is merely a paper. It has been torn at the bottom and the fold is creating a shadow that is actually creating an illusion making you perceive it as a close up of cleavage. If you liked this illusion, do share among your friends.

Optical Illusion : Fancy Stilettos

We bet you did not notice the stiletto placed in the white area in the first glance. What you might have noticed is the zoomed in image on the left. Now what does that look like? We are sure we need not explain anything as that is what most of the minds would have thought about and why not? It appears to be a sensual female figure but when you look at the stiletto picture, you realize that you have been dirty thinking again. They are just a pair of feet wearing the pair of stilettos. Next time when your mind is busy thinking odd things, do think in other sense as well.

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