Optical Illusion : Fountain out of Mouth

This illusion is so simple and yet so awesome. The placement of the lady and the erupting fountain behind her aligned with her mouth produces an amazingly fun illusion. I bet most of us have been around such fountains so many times, but we never thought of doing something like this. We are sure you will, the next time you visit any such place.

category : FUNNY | COOL


Optical Illusion : Stunning Anamorphic Sculpture

This is one of the most stunning anamorphic structure we have ever come across. Just think about the calculations that are necessary before creating such an illusion. This process cannot just rely on artistic hands but also requires a lot of patience and computing. The sculptor Jonty Hurwitz does computing before he begins sculpting such anamorphic illusions. The output is simply fabulous. Search for the artist for more of such illusions by him.

Optical Illusion : Disappearing Blue Circle

You can see the faded blue circle very well right? Now just stare at the red dot in the middle for some time. Did the blue circle just disappear? But it was right there. Wait it is still there. Sometimes, the illusions are characterized by what we perceive rather than what is real. In such cases, your eyes sees something and your brain sees something else. This illusion is a great example of such illusions.

category : LOGIC

Optical Illusion : Creepy Golfing

At the first look you might take it as just a normal image. A person is golfing and there is water with splashes of water. Most of you might have had it till here only at the first look. But can you now concentrate on the splashes of water a bit more? If you see it now, you will be terrified of what you see. For those who were not able to see, the splashes form a scary image of a wolf man or a devil. It's up to you what you see. We are not sure if this is a real image or someone has brushed it up in Photoshop but it is definitely worth adding to our list.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Simple Rabbit or Duck

This is another simple example of ambiguous illusion. You can even draw it out on a paper for your kid/s. What you have to determine is whether the figure drawn here portrays a rabbit or a duck. It's really funny how some simple strokes of lines are able to play with our mind. You will surly agree with us when we say that this is as simple as it can get when we are talking about an ambiguous illusion.

Optical Illusion : Dead Horse

This illusion can be fairly categorized better under the outdoor illusions. What we have here is a rock that appears to be the head of a horse. Thus it appears as if a dead horse is been lying on the coast. It is often remarkable how the Mother Nature astonishes us with her creativity. However it is true that if you take a look at this rock from some other angle of view, you will not be able to perceive the same image. These illusions work from a specific camera view only.

Optical Illusion : Lifting her Dad

Just look at the innocent expressions of the girl in this picture. She's so cure right? But look at what she is doing - lifting her dad in the air using merely her fingers. Of course her dad is not an ant-man or a tiny figure. He is just standing at quite some distance and what you see is purely a perspective play by the photographer. This is the reason why you see the lower portion of the picture in focus while the upper portion is not focused. Also, you must be able to see the glow on the edges. This is because someone has brought the images in focus forcefully. But yes, it is a decent photography illusion.

Optical Illusion : Will You Marry Me?

That is the only title we could thing of this extremely sweet illusion or a gesture maybe. Did you ever think of using the sun in such a manner? Well the next time you come across such a weather, you can definitely click a pic and send to your loved ones. Perspective is the only key thing here. It makes the sun appear so small that it can be taken as a ring. It looks as if he is ready to slide that ring in her finger. Actually whenever you create an illusion, even the little things matter. If this illusion did not have a hand of the girl, it would not have appeared so impressive.

category : PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : The Happy Family

Everything you see in the picture is a part of the painting. The father is sitting in muse with an exceptionally large map in his hand. Now the happy children are running inside this room and one two of them have jumped onto the map. A girl is about to. The large map actually metaphorically explains a large world of fantasy for the kids. It appears they are heading into their fantasy world. The open armed gesture on the nearest kid further strengthens the thought. The illusion has several layers of metaphorical explanations. See if you can get anything else out of it.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Sitting on Commode

Now, this is one interesting shadow illusion. On the wall, you can see a person sitting on the commode and lost in his own thoughts. But the reality is completely different when you look at what is making the shadow. There are three people and a rectangle box. Together, they are taking a position that makes the shadow on the wall. Looking at their faces, you can guess how much they are enjoying their little activity. This is kind of a thing that you can try as well. See if you can come up with something as interesting as this.

category : FUNNY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Trippy Checkers Pattern

This is an old trick. Even you can create this pattern. But first of all, what do you feel while looking at the illusion. Stare at the center of the image and then move your eyes to the surrounding areas and you will feel the pattern to be moving and it is actually quite trippy. It won't stop until you look away or close the tab. The trick if you want to create one yourself is to stretch the tiny square as you move out of the center. Give it a try and tell us if you were able to achieve it.

category : TRIPPY

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