Optical Illusion : Fierce Tiger's Face

At the first look, you might not even acknowledge how many people are present in this illusion. But all you will see is how amazingly the artist has succeeded in creating the illusion of a Tiger's mouth. You can't help but marvel at the fine details the artist has put it. Look closely. There are three girls in this picture and they have been shifted together so as to form a three dimensional face. Amazing right?


Optical Illusion : Popular Book

Where is the book pointing towards? Is it towards you or away from you?

Optical Illusion : Famous In or Out

The red ball (dot) is inside the cube or it is outside it?

Optical Illusion : Cool House Window

You probably would never have imagined the plain and simple window to create such an illusion. This illusion was created by Valentin Dubinin. What strikes you the first? For most of the people, it would be the broken glasses of the window. But then you will find all the impossibilities in this single image. No doubt it is a masterpiece and tells you the possibilities from different angles within itself.

Optical Illusion : Mutilated Face

This is a horrible picture. We are sure that so many of you might have closed your eyes seeing it or may be wishing blessings to the poor man. His face is so much mutilated and no one should put such a picture anywhere. But wait is it really a face of a man? What if we ask you to save this picture on your system and then try rotating it clockwise at 90 degrees? What do you see now? You will be astonished to find out that this picture is actually of a dog sleeping peacefully. You never had expected that right?

Optical Illusion : Uneven Circle

You might have seen so many similar illusions so far if you love them. This is another one of those distorted illusions that you have already seen with some variations. The circle amidst the distorted lines appears to be uneven as well. However that is not truth and only an illusion. The distorted lines themselves are responsible in creating this illusion. The lines are drawn in different directions and thus the circle appears to be distorted in several directions. If they would have been in the same direction, the circle might have appeared regular.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Same Levelled Balls

If you just concentrate on the two balls, you will feel that they are exactly at the same levels. But if you look at the extreme right, you will find staircase like levels But if the formation is attaining a height, then why it not evident at the ends. Do the steps actually happen to be there or they are just an illusion created by a 3d art? The truth is that such a figure cannot exist in the real world. It happens to give us two information that contradict with each other and thus it can't exist in the real world.

Optical Illusion : Impossible Shelf

We do agree that at the first look, you might feel that there is nothing wrong with this figure. However, if you take a closer look, you will recognize the problem. See the bridge joining and you will agree to the fact that no matter how normal it appears, it certainly cannot exist in the real world. We call such illusions as paradox illusions. The plank that is connecting both ends is simply not feasible in reality. Look closely and you will find other contradicting things as well.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Thirsty Horse

Now this is an excellent image. Other than the beautiful seascape, you can also find an illusion here. Look at the far end of the image on the left side. It is just the part of the island but can you trace a figure in that? Well yes, it do appears like a horse for us. We are sure you can also relate this figure with a horse. Also, since his face appears to be touching the water surface, it looks like you are looking at a thirsty horse drinking water from the sea.

Optical Illusion : Sailing in the Sky

Obviously, this painting is a paradox. This is not possible and self-contradictory. The fact is that the sea has been merged with the sky which can't exists in real world. But for the painters, anything is possible. The land is getting merged with the water and the water is getting merged with sky. The ships thus appear to be sailing in the sky. However if you look at the far end, it is sailing rightfully in the water. The overall effect of this illusion is quite interesting.

category : IMPOSSIBLE | ART

Optical Illusion : Fancy Stilettos

We bet you did not notice the stiletto placed in the white area in the first glance. What you might have noticed is the zoomed in image on the left. Now what does that look like? We are sure we need not explain anything as that is what most of the minds would have thought about and why not? It appears to be a sensual female figure but when you look at the stiletto picture, you realize that you have been dirty thinking again. They are just a pair of feet wearing the pair of stilettos. Next time when your mind is busy thinking odd things, do think in other sense as well.

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