Optical Illusion : Disappearing Spots

You must have seen so many disappearing effect illusions. This one is just another version of the same. You can see three different colored spots placed around a small black dot in the middle. All you have to do is stare at that black dot for some time. Do it long enough and you will find the surrounding dots disappear. It works all well for most of the people. Were you able to achieve the effect?

category : COOL


Optical Illusion : Pink Color Test

There are two blocks of pink colors. Are they the same shade?

Optical Illusion : Diagonal Grey Lines

As you move your eyes in the picture, can you spot the grey diagonal lines?

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Parallel Lines Shape-Distortion

What about the red lines? Do you think they are straight and parallel?

Optical Illusion : Same or Different Shades of Red?

Just look closely at the two given figures. Focus on the red dots. They are different shades right? Now just take this picture into any photo editing program and sample both the shades to receive a shock. The shades that looks so different are actually the same. So why does they look different? This is because of the different background shades that these two images have. Sometimes, our brain perceives things according to the background. This is an excellent example of the phenomenon.

category : LOGIC | TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Amazing Body Swan

This illusion that we have picked for you will blow your mind. Undoubtedly at the first look you were not able to acknowledge that it was a body of a model. Now you must be checking the image again right? This is the beauty of this body paint illusion. The artist has used the body of a model as a canvas to create an illusion of a swan. The artist's name is Gesine Marwedel and by all means this is an amazing illusion.

Optical Illusion : The Descent Movie Poster

Now this is a movie that most of you might not have heard of. The descent is a horror movie which is a really well made movie if you are interested in a genre. The leads of the movie has been used creatively indeed in this poster. If you pay attention, you can see a skull forming. The center bodies act as eyes and their shoes act as the teeth. The surrounding bodies are forming the skull. While the poster also gives a hint at the macabre you can expect in the movie, it portrays a deadly skull through the leads.

category : ART | PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : Romantic Couple

We still remember that this illusion gained a lot of popularity on the social media sites. This illusion can serve as an excellent example how our brain perceives information. Does something about this picture seem awkward to you? The girl sitting on sofa is actually looking quite manly while the boy is looking feminine. But can you perceive this picture as a guy sitting on sofa and a girl standing, her arms around the guy's neck? You will be shocked if you can. Isn't it amazing how our mind plays sometimes with the perception?

Optical Illusion : Man inside Coffee Cup

Now this is a funny one. Especially when you look at the expressions of the man and with a rubber duck sitting at the top of the camera lens with almost same size as that of the man. So what is the trick here? Actually the coffee cup is quite close to the camera lens. The man is however sitting at the other side. His body has been hidden by the cup and the cup appears so large just because of the perspective. This is quite simple to achieve and you can all try at your respective homes.

Optical Illusion : Extra Long Hand

This is an example of excellent timing of the photographer. Or sheer luck? Well whatever it was, the picture has come out extremely well. The person standing in the middle appears to have grown an extra-long or mutant hand. So what exactly is happening here? Actually the person standing on his left is also stretching his arm in the same direction. So the wrist and the palm part of the man in the center is hidden behind the man left to him and his arm is stretched in the same direction making it appear like it's a same arm.

category : FUNNY | AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Monster Faced Pumpkin

Sometimes we wonder how these artists are able to create as fine results as this. The answer is simple - hard work, passion, dedication and patience. Even you can be an artist just like them if you can incorporate all these things in yourself. Coming back to the carved pumpkin, yes we must say that it is highly detailed. There are several layers giving depth to it and the facial features including how the artist has portrayed the teeth is amazing.

category : ART

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