Optical Illusion : Dirty Tall Weeds

It is another of those illusions that will leave you laughing at your own imagination. We need not say what thought crept up your mind the moment you saw this picture. However, when somebody tells you that you are actually looking at a picture that comprises of a few tall weeds, you will not be able to help but smile or laugh. Well, the credit goes to the imagination and creatively dirty mind of the photographer as well (or the Photoshop artist). We often wonder where they get such ideas from.


Optical Illusion : Most Popular Jesus

Stare at the image for about a minute with concentration and then look at the blank wall in front of you. What do you see?

category : AMAZING | FACE

Optical Illusion : Exceptionally Tilted House

The first look at this image and you will be shocked. You might want to believe that it is not possible or it is a photoshopped image. This image has been going viral on the social media sites for quite long now. Let us tell you that it is a real image. The house is for real and it is not tilted. It is the street on which the house is built. The street is steeply tilted and thus all the people in this particular street lives in such tilted houses.

Optical Illusion : Popular Ikemath's Impossible Pillars

The first thing to notice in this illusion is the placement of the watch along with the figure. What does it tell? Certainly it has been kept there to tell us that this illusion is created in real world and thus is pretty possible even though it looks so impossible. But how? To know that we must have the access of the object itself. It is a particular camera angle that makes it appear in this manner. What if we chose another camera angle?

Optical Illusion : Bulged Out Sphere

Does this image appear three dimensional to you? Do you think that there is a sphere lying over the top of a checker board? If you think that, believe us, it is just your perception. This image is perfectly two dimensional only. Even the lines are perfectly parallel. There is no real bulging and it is just a circle of pattern. The circle appears to be as a sphere just because of the pattern that has been used inside it in comparison with the pattern that has been used outside i.e. black and white checkers.

Optical Illusion : The Pissing Kid

Now you can't help but laugh or smile at this illusion. We don't need to tell you what you are looking at do we? Our guess is a sprinkler just behind the kid that is responsible for the final illusion that you are looking at. The person who has clicked this picture has done a good job. The angle is perfect and the timing is spot on. Poor kid does not know that he is being captured to create a funny illusion and he seems so happy to be a part of it.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Flipping off the Guy

Now this illusion is very carefully and cleverly timed. You can see that there are three frames and the positioning of the guy and the fingers is synced correctly. Our guess would be burst shooting or it would have been so difficult to take these snaps in one go. But whatever method have they used, the final result is really good. It really feels that the fingers have flipped the guy off from the shore into the sea. It is hilarious and we hope you had fun watching it. Do share if you like the illusion.

Optical Illusion : Falling people 3D Art

We all have seen so many 3d arts and everytime you browse through internet, you definitely find so many new ones. Artists all over the world have been creating this amazing 3d arts which looks so much believable that you will be left amazed. This post includes a similar illusion that will leave you breathless. Those two guys in the picture seems to be falling to the depths of the earth. But the truth is that it is just a 3d art. The perspective, the angles, the guys pretending to be falling adds up to make it so realistic that you won't believe your eyes. The only giveaway is the people standing on that hollow surface telling us that it is just and art.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Wiping Man's Nose

Now this is one of the hilarious ones. Excellent timing we must say. It appears like the man who is wiping the poster clean is actually wiping his nose or scratching it. The expressions of the man in the picture makes it look so much realistic. It appears as if he is being irritate by the man who is wiping as he is picking on his nose. Of course, he is just cleaning the poster and he does not even know that he is being clicked at this particular moment. But we are sure he will have a good laugh after someone shows him this picture.

Optical Illusion : Trippy Donut

It seems like this image will never stop. There is no animation included. But the opposite spiral pattern on the donut shape and the background keeps contradicting with each other and thus reproduce and output that is received by our eyes as motion. If you can't notice anything, try to scroll the page up and down while looking at it. You can try another thing. If you save this image on your desktop, you can open it separately and try to zoom in and out while staring at it. Do tell us if you felt anything.

category : TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : 3D Dolphin Sketch

The best thing about this 3d sketch is that the artists has managed to produce a great depth while it is just a sketch on the paper. The thing that can be improved is the softness on dolphin's skin/surface. It appears to be a bit metallic or hard right now. But otherwise, this is an impressive 3D sketch work. You can find the depth even in the water displaced by the dolphin.

category : ART | 3D

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