Optical Illusion : Coiled Wire Shadow

Nobody could have imagined anything if he was given this coiled wire. In no way can you understand anything about it till you throw light at it and watch the shadow. We are sure if you experienced it live, you would have been shocked to see the shadow. What you thought was nothing actually can drop a shadow pronouncing a word loudly to you. As you can see on the wall, the word somewhere is clear. An artist actually crafted it out on the wire and the result is outstanding. Can you try something like this yourself?

category : AMAZING


Optical Illusion : Cool House Window

You probably would never have imagined the plain and simple window to create such an illusion. This illusion was created by Valentin Dubinin. What strikes you the first? For most of the people, it would be the broken glasses of the window. But then you will find all the impossibilities in this single image. No doubt it is a masterpiece and tells you the possibilities from different angles within itself.

Optical Illusion : Crazy and Impossible Atomium Sculpture

You all must have seen the atomic structures right? We all have studied this much science and even if not, we must have seen it in some sci-fi flick. But what makes this structure special is that this illusion is entirely impossible. It has been created by Pawel Hynek and he did it in 2006. You can try creating it on your own but you will not be able to. This is because it can't exists of its own in the real world.

category : IMPOSSIBLE | 3D

Optical Illusion : The Dark Knight Afterimage

We know that most of you are the fans of The Dark Knight so this illusion is dedicated to all of you. The illusion is a simple one. You can see a clip art image of batman below. You have to stare at the middle of the image. Staring at the bat logo will suffice best. Stare there for about half a minute. Now immediately turn your eyes towards a white wall or ceiling and blink your eyes. You will see an inverted image of batman now and it will appear in its true black form. Share among your friends and amaze them too.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Creepy Golfing

At the first look you might take it as just a normal image. A person is golfing and there is water with splashes of water. Most of you might have had it till here only at the first look. But can you now concentrate on the splashes of water a bit more? If you see it now, you will be terrified of what you see. For those who were not able to see, the splashes form a scary image of a wolf man or a devil. It's up to you what you see. We are not sure if this is a real image or someone has brushed it up in Photoshop but it is definitely worth adding to our list.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Terrifying Bounty Hunter

The picture that we have added is self-explanatory but it is still our job to explain you what you have to notice in this picture. There is a bounty hunter that is pointing his gun at you. Yes we know that you know that. But just try to tilt your head away from the screen. You can go sideways or vertically but wherever you move your head, he will still be aiming his gun at you. Is the gun moving? That Bounty Hunter is surely going to hit you today. Isn't this illusion quite creepy?

Optical Illusion : Italicized characters

Look at the picture below. He characters combine to form a word UTE. But that is not what you have to consider. What you have to look at is the italicized nature of the characters. What if we tell you that these characters are not italicized but straight? You won't believe us and that is perfectly expected. But what you can do is take this picture into any photo editing software and then try to adjust the brightness and contrast such that you are left with just the letters. You will find out that they are actually straight only. The placement of the characters over the background is responsible for them appearing italicized.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Angry Bird Coffee Foam Art

Angry bird is one of the most popular android game franchise. Oh yes the PC versions are also available but with the android platform, the game gained a whole new level of popularity. This coffee foam art is definitely a production of a fan mindset. It is crazy how much details can be put in something like that. Look at the expressions of the bird. It do look exactly like we have seen in the game. The details that the artist has given to the expressions is commendable. How do you find this art?

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Popular Paradox Triangle

You might be a newbie to the world of paradox illusions but we are umpteenth time sure that you must have seen this particular image so many times (of course the colors and size can differ from this). This is because it is the popular most paradox illusion on the web. The reason is the simplicity of the illusion. At first look, this might look alright but on the second glance you will find that the edges are not meeting in a feasible manner. It can stand perfectly on any virtual medium but it won't exist in real world.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Girl Standing on Bottle

In this illusion, it appears that the girl is standing on top of the bottle. But there are a few giveaways to tell you that it is not happening actually. First of all the bottle is quite big in size compared to the girl. Secondly, the girl is in focus but the bottle is not suggesting that they do not exist in the same range. So the photographer has merely kept the bottle near to the lens and used and angle in which it appears that the girl is standing on the bottle. The girl however is standing on the road only.

category : PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : Live Landscape

This is a unique illusion in every way. Seeing from here it feels like the frame is hollow from the middle. Of course that is not the case or we had not posted it here. He is actually painting on the canvas what is right in front of him. The painting is so realistic and the proportions are so accurate that it looks like a part of the real surrounding. It has been done beautifully and he is still giving the finishing touches in this snap. These kind of realistic real life paintings are one of a kind. If you loved the illusions, don't forget to share.

category : AMAZING | ART

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