Optical Illusion : Buttoned Up Body Art

It is true that as the winter arrives, you have to button up your clothes so you can conserve your body heat. But look at this guy. We are sure that no one would want to button up his own skin right? Whoever has created this magnificent body art illusion has done a great deal of efforts to put in details especially if you see the stitched portion. You can clearly see the depth and yes anyone will be scared at first if you are a fan of those B horror movies.

category : ART


Optical Illusion : Surfing in the Sea 3D Mall Art

We bet that this would have been the finest attraction of the shopping mall at that particular time. People must have literally rushed to see this magnificent piece of 3D chalk art. It appears so realistic that you must have been wondering how. Hats off to the artist for inducing so much of the details into his art. Take your time and marvel at the extensive details. How about if you get a chance to click a selfie while lying over the sand?

Optical Illusion : Hyper Realistic Acrylic Masterpiece

You might have thought that it is an acrylic painting painted by some great artist. But what if we tell you that this is a real life model and what you are looking at is not a painting built a real life snap? You will be shocked right? You will watch it over and over again but you won't believe in us even then. Well if that I the case, you may Google the name Alexa Meade and you will know the truth. The artist is so phenomenal with her skills that it is just unbelievable for our minds when we are told that all what you see are real life objects and even real life model that have been painted to make them look like an acrylic painting.

Optical Illusion : Miraculously Glowing Bulb

This is a very popular illusion and one of those that you might have seen several times in the social media sites. This is the reason why he could not help ourselves but post it here in our site. Probably you need no explanation on what to do but it is our duty to tell you that. Just stare at the image for half a minute or a full minute and then shift your eyes to any white surface. It can be your ceiling, you wall, your floor and if you have nothing, it can be a plain white sheet of paper. You will see that the bulb is glowing.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Popular Paradox Triangle

You might be a newbie to the world of paradox illusions but we are umpteenth time sure that you must have seen this particular image so many times (of course the colors and size can differ from this). This is because it is the popular most paradox illusion on the web. The reason is the simplicity of the illusion. At first look, this might look alright but on the second glance you will find that the edges are not meeting in a feasible manner. It can stand perfectly on any virtual medium but it won't exist in real world.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Dog Man

Now this is something really amusing. It really feels like there is a dog human or dogman sitting on the seat. Were you able to find the truth behind this illusion? Actually there is a person sitting on the seat and next to him, there is a dog. The person's head is not visible because he is probably dozing off with his head lying out of the range of camera. This is the reason that you are seeing a dogman instead of two different living beings in the picture. The illusion is amazing though.

Optical Illusion : Partly Invisible Girl

We are sure you must have seen this illusion somewhere on the social media. It had gained much popularity recently. Well it looks so impressive but let us break down the secret of invisible girl for you. What the girl is doing is no magic. She is merely holding a mirror in her hands. The mirror is reflecting the grass in front of the girl. The trick of this illusion is just to find an open green land. Well yes can do it almost anywhere but doesn't the green color makes it more impressive? Do not forget to send us your own created illusions when you try this.

Optical Illusion : Amazing Sun Balloon

Now this looks so impressive. Excellent work done by the photographer and we applause for the mind which thought of this idea. You can see that it looks like someone is holding a balloon in his hand. The thing he is holding can be a wire or a plastic molded stick. Attached to it is the sun (the real sun). The distance of the person from the camera is so close that the sun fits in the picture accurately and offers a good proportion. The placement of the stick is perfect and the background is amazing.

Optical Illusion : Funny Broken Elevator Floor

These two friends are holding the sides of the elevator with one hand and holding each other's hand with the other. The reason is simple. The elevator floor is broken or has just broken down leaving them stranded inside. But they are laughing right. This is because they are just posing for the same. Nothing has broken down and it's just a 3d art that you see on the elevator floor. The artist has done a good job but probably these girls could have expressed fear instead of excitement to make it more impressive.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Trippy Checkers Pattern

This is an old trick. Even you can create this pattern. But first of all, what do you feel while looking at the illusion. Stare at the center of the image and then move your eyes to the surrounding areas and you will feel the pattern to be moving and it is actually quite trippy. It won't stop until you look away or close the tab. The trick if you want to create one yourself is to stretch the tiny square as you move out of the center. Give it a try and tell us if you were able to achieve it.

category : TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Eating the Cloud

This is as simple as a cloud illusion can get. You don't need anything specific and just a little cloud hanging in the sky in front of you. Next you need a camera and someone who can click a nice picture and can guide you with the position of your mouth and hand. What you see here is just a play of perspective. Since, the man is close to the camera, the cloud appears to be a tiny object which as per his gesture, he is trying to eat.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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