Optical Illusion : Abnormal Kid

Well, don't be scared. Remember it is still just an illusion? So what has gone wrong here? Well it looks like a mother is holding her kid. Her head is possibly hiding behind the child and her own legs. But of course, what is cleverly used is the camera angle. The person who shot it had clearly made up the mind how to make it look or it might not have been possible. Since you can see that for creating such an illusion, all you need is a camera and you can easily make one of your own. Probably your child will have a gala time looking at it in future.

category : PERCEPTION


Optical Illusion : Different or Same Brightness

Are the grey blocks on the left lighter in shade than the right ones?

Optical Illusion : Fingernails leaping off the Page

This is the work of a popular Italian illustrator Alessandro Diddi. You certainly can't believe your eyes. He is a genius. We are sure there are many other incredible anamorphic illusions created by him using just pencil and paper but this one caught our attention the most. It really feels that those finger nails exist in real world. It is incredible how he can fool our eyes into believing something that is just an illustration. Can you try your hand at such an art? If you can, do share with us.

Optical Illusion : Beautiful Pink Rose

This time, we have a beautiful afterimage illusion for you. Scroll to down to find an attached image. You have to concentrate on the left image (with green color) by looking at the cross in middle. Stare it for about a minute or longer (depending on the fact if you were able to achieve the illusion or not). Then immediately shift your eyes on the cross on the right image of black and white rose. You will find that it transforms into a beautiful pink rose.

category : AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Creative VHS Tapes Skull

Now this is really the mother of creativity. Someone has really done a lot of hard work creating this awesome skull illusion. But that really paid off right? The skull is really evident in the image at the first look itself. And he has made it all using the VHS tapes. Look at the image closely and you won't find anything else. Now that is really amazing. Hats off to the creativity and efforts of the artist.

category : AMAZING | ART

Optical Illusion : Angry Bird Coffee Foam Art

Angry bird is one of the most popular android game franchise. Oh yes the PC versions are also available but with the android platform, the game gained a whole new level of popularity. This coffee foam art is definitely a production of a fan mindset. It is crazy how much details can be put in something like that. Look at the expressions of the bird. It do look exactly like we have seen in the game. The details that the artist has given to the expressions is commendable. How do you find this art?

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Impossible Shelf

We do agree that at the first look, you might feel that there is nothing wrong with this figure. However, if you take a closer look, you will recognize the problem. See the bridge joining and you will agree to the fact that no matter how normal it appears, it certainly cannot exist in the real world. We call such illusions as paradox illusions. The plank that is connecting both ends is simply not feasible in reality. Look closely and you will find other contradicting things as well.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Mutant Man

This illusion is really scary. For a few seconds you would not be able to believe your eyes and you will think that it is a modified image. But let us tell you that this is a real image. There is nothing edited in it. It looks believable because the man who is bending is wearing pants that match with the color of blazer the other guy is wearing. If you take your eyes from the upper portion of the photo and look at the bottom, you will find another leg which belongs to the man standing behind. That's the truth behind this illusion. They are actually two people. The positioning and the camera angle is responsible for what you are perceiving.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Giant Coffee Cup

It looks like someone from the Gulliver Travels has left is coffee cup on the road and that tiny human is trying to sort is cocoa powder in the coffee cup. Probably the artist has painted the cup too white and it is not matching up with the environment. This is the reason why one can clearly make out that it has been painted and it's not real. Other than that the shiny surface creating HDR reflections has been done pretty nicely. And gosh it actually looks like he is sitting there. See his knee is actually hiding the portion of cup in that area.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : F!@#ing Rats

This shadow illusion has been created by artists Tim Noble and Sue Webster. What might appear as scraped welded metal to the naked eyes is a bit mischievous when you look through the artists eyes. For that, you just have to light up a torch and throw the light on the metal keeping it close to the wall. What do you see now? You see two rats f!@#ing each other. Now that's a little bit creepy. We bet nobody saw that coming when they looked at the metal waste. But that's what art is all about. These artists have done an amazing job at that.

Optical Illusion : Hidden Lion Face in Tree

The picture primarily shows a few lions sitting under a tree. They are probably resting under the sun. But look at the tree and you can clearly make out the face of a lion. It's so evident that it cannot exist in real life. This means that this picture has been modified to get the desired result. The only thing we would like to say about it is the fact that the whole image looks digitally amplified and modified in details. Probably one should be a little easy on editing to make the effect look more realistic.

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