Mind Teasers : Science Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A man is trapped on a frozen lake in an isolated region. The frozen surface is frictionless and no grip of any kind can be attained over it. He just has a mobile phone in his pocket but when he takes it out to call for help, he finds out that there is no reception.

There is no wind force that may help him in escaping. What will he do to escape the lake and save himself from freezing to death?
category : SCIENCE


Mind Teasers : Base Ball Games Cryptarithmetic Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve the below cryptarithmetic riddle
by replacing alphabets of words by a number so that the algebraic equation holds true?

category : MATHS | EQUATION

Mind Teasers : Best Picture Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Seeing the picture, can you identify in which direction is it going - left or right?

Keep in mind that the bus is moving in UK

Mind Teasers : Akbar Birbal Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Akbar summoned Birbal out of anger. He told him that he will have to face death. He asked him to make a statement and if the statement is true he will be buried alive and if the statement is false, he will be thrown at lions. After hearing Birbal’s statement, Akbar could do nothing but smile. He gave him 5 gold bars and let him go.

What did Birbal say?

Mind Teasers : 3 Gallon Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

You have been given three jars of 3 liters, 5 liters and 8 liters capacity out of which the 8 liters jar is filled completely with water. Now you have to use these three jars to divide the water into two parts of 4 liters each.

How can you do it making the least amount of transfers?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Terrorist Attack Security Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

UNO plans a gathering.
However there is threat of terrorist attack. So security guard who is a mathematical plans somethings to secure the place.

A terrorist stands nearby the door where
1st ambassador comes , the security guard said 'twelve' and ambassador replied with 'six'.
2nd ambassador comes , the security guard said 'six' and ambassador replied with 'three'.

The terrorist thinks its enough and walks to the door.
The security person said 'eight' , terrorist replied 'four' and get immediately arrested.

why ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Popular Castle History Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A square island comprised of a square castle. A 14m wide trench surrounded the island from everywhere. Roman Empire wanted to invade the castle and gain the loot as well as possession of the island. They brought along wooden planks to cross the trench. However, they realized that the planks were just 13m long.

How did they use those planks to invade as well as capture the island ?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Smart Tic Tac Toe Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

How will you place six crosses on a Tic Tac Toe board without forming any three-in-a-row combination?

Mind Teasers : Matchsticks Relationship Puzzle - Know Your Alphabets

Difficulty Popularity

What is the relationship between these matchsticks figures below?

Hint: You must know your alphabets.

Mind Teasers : 2 Golfer Sports Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson are well-known golf rivals. One Day during a match, they were level at a score of 30. Phil hit a bad shot and Tiger added 10 to his score. Tiger then hit an awesome shot and he won the game.

How ?

category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Logical Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Four stupid friends meet each other after long time.They are so stupid that they start talking about their suits

* There were a total of eight suits, two in each color, black, brown, pink and white.
* Each friend owned two suits.
* No friend had two suits of the same color.
* Ganpat don't have a white suit.
* Harish don't have a black suit, but did have a brown one.
* One of the friends had a white suit and a pink suit and another friend had a brown suit and a pink suit.
* Manoj had a white suit.
* Tarun had a pink suit, but don't have a brown one.

Can you work out which friend had which color suits?
category : LOGIC

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