Aptitude Questions : Union Intersection Set Interview Problem

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Angelina, Brad, Cindy and Duke are four tourists. There are four languages English, German, French and Italian. No single language is enough for them to converse among themselves. Angelina is not familiar with English but she can interpret between Brad and Cindy. None of them are able to speak both French and German. Angelina knows German and can converse with Duke who doesn’t know a word of German. There is only one language that can be spoken by more than two people.

If each of them is able to speak two languages find out who speaks what ?


Aptitude Questions : Logic Birthday Puzzle

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For my anniversary, I decided to surprise my wife. Since she is a voracious reader, I decided to collect a lot of books for her. On the first day of the month, I bought one book, on the second, I bought two and on the third, I bought three. This process went on till the anniversary and on the day, I had 276 books with me to gift her.

Can you calculate, on which day is our anniversary?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Aptitude Questions : Hard Logic Statement Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There are a hundred statements.
1st person says: At least one of the statements is incorrect.
2nd person says: At least two of the statements is incorrect.
3rd person says: At least three of the statements are incorrect.
4th person says: At least four of the statements are incorrect.
100th person says: At least a hundred of the statements are incorrect.

Now analyze all the statements and find out how many of them are incorrect and how many are true?

Aptitude Questions : Tricky Logic Question

Difficulty Popularity

A claustrophobic person boards a train that is just about to enter a tunnel.

Which place will be the best for him to sit?

Aptitude Questions : Decipher MatchSticks Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you decipher the two rows to find the hidden word?

Aptitude Questions : Cool Equation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

If 1 + 9 + 11 = 1, Then what is the value of

12 + 11 + 9 = ?

Aptitude Questions : Popular Logical Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A couple had to take shelter in a hotel for they could not proceed their journey in the rain. Having nothing to do at all, they started playing cards. Suddenly there was a short circuit and the lights went off. The husband inverted the position of 15 cards in the deck (52 cards normal deck) and shuffled the deck.

Now he asked his wife to divide the deck into two different piles which may not be equal but both of them should have equal number of cards facing up. There was no source of light in the room and the wife was unable to see the cards.

For a certain amount of time, she thought and then divided the cards in two piles. To the husband’s astonishment, both of the piles had equal number of cards facing up.

How did she do it?
category : LOGIC

Aptitude Questions : Tough Two Jug Measuring Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

I got two jugs of
A) 11 liter
B) 6 liter

How can I measure exactly 9 liters ?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

Aptitude Questions : Tricky Iq Question

Difficulty Popularity

In a jar, there are some orange candies and some strawberry candies. You pick up two candies at a time randomly. If the two candies are of same flavor, you throw them away and put a strawberry candy inside. If they are of opposite flavors, you throw them away and put an orange candy inside.

In such manner, you will be reducing the candies in the jar one at a time and will eventually be left with only one candy in the jar.

If you are told about the respective number of orange and strawberry candies at the outset, will it be feasible for you to predict the flavor of the final remaining candy ?
category : LOGIC

Aptitude Questions : No Death Penalty For Kill Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Ramsay was killed by Sansa in front of everyone but the judge was not sure how to punish Sansa. Why is the judge confused?
category : TRIVIA

Aptitude Questions : Crossing The River In Minimum Time Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Four people need to cross a dark river at night.

* They have only one torch and the river is too risky to cross without the torch.
* If all people cross simultaneously then torch light wont be sufficient.
* Speed of each person of crossing the river is different.cross time for each person is 1 min, 2 minutes, 7 minutes and 10 minutes.

What is the shortest time needed for all four of them to cross the river ?

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