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#1141 - Simple Trick Mathematical Expression

Difficulty Popularity

Write a mathematical expression having a value of 24, that uses 3 equal digits, none of them being eight.
category : EQUATION

#1142 - Missing Number Sequence

Difficulty Popularity

Find the next number in the Sequence
5, 16, 49, 104, ?
category : SERIES

#1143 - Expensive pills logic problem

Difficulty Popularity

Your doctor gave you two bottles of pills marked as A and B. He asked you to take one pill from each bottle every day. The pills are identical in all terms.

While taking out the pill you accidentally take 2 from the B bottle and 1 from the A bottle. Now, you have no clue which pill is from which bottle. The pills are extremely expensive and you cant throw them. What will you do?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#1144 - Find The Number Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Find out the square of a number which when doubled exceeds its quarter by 7 ?
category : MATHS

#1145 - Distance Traveled Tyre Math Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Bullock likes to keep a spare tyre in his car every time. On a certain day, he travels 1, 00,000 km and just to make the most of all the tyres, he changes the tyres between his journey such that each tyre runs the same distance.

What is the distance traveled by each tyre?

#1146 - Logical Arrangement Bonfire Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

30 classmates went for a bonfire. While sitting around the fire, they decided to play a game. To play it, they divided themselves into 5 teams in a way that there were 5 rows having 7 people each.

How can this arrangement be possible while sitting around the bonfire?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#1147 - Interesting Misplaced Pens Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Rihanna brought home 150 pens but while packing them, she misplaced some of them. When her brother asked how many she had misplaced, she told him:
If you count in pairs, one will remain
If you count in a group of three, two will remain
If you count in a group of four, three will remain
If you count in a group of five, four will remain
If you count in a group of six, five will remain
If you count in a group of seven, nothing will remain.

How many pens do you think has she misplaced ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#1148 - Classic Five Tablet Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Roy was suffering from severe headaches. He went to see his doctor and the doctor gave him five tablets asking him to take one tablet every 15 minutes.

How much time will it take Roy to consume all the five tablets?

#1149 - Father Son Age Problem

Difficulty Popularity

A father and son has a difference of 45 years in their age. Their ages are reverse of each other. Also, the present age of both of them contains prime numbers as the digits.

Can you tell how old both of them are at present?
category : MATHS

#1150 - Eight Letter Word Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Three letters are missing in the given picture. Three particular letters can make an eight letter word (reading clockwise).

What are the missing letters?

#1151 - Tricky Statement Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Two friends were sitting in a restaurant when one of them pointed towards the restaurant across the road and said, 'That restaurant is always crowded. This is the reason why nobody goes there.'

What is the flaw in this statement?

#1152 - Largest Six Digit Number Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find a six digit number under 5 lakh such that the sum of it's digits is 43 ?
category : MATHS

#1153 - Number Bottles Maths Problem

Difficulty Popularity

A shopkeeper gives a full bottle of soft drink in return for five empty bottles. A guy has 77 empty bottles and he can use them to get full soft drink bottles.

How many filled bottles will he be able to collect?
category : MATHS

#1154 - Which Five Letter Word Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

When I'm under you, I'm a five letter word.

Take out the first letter and I come above you.

Take out the second too and I'm all around you.

Not all can tell me who I am but only few.

Can you?
category : WHAT AM I

#1155 - Woman Age Trick Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A woman told her age to be 70 years in 2000 but her age was 60 in 2010.

Is the woman mad or this can be possible ?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#1156 - Tough Find Picture Number Problem

Difficulty Popularity

One number is missing from the grid in the picture. Can you find that number?

category : SERIES | PICTURE

#1157 - Draw Direction Problem

Difficulty Popularity

B is to the North-East of D; A is to the North-East of C; C is to the West of D; E is to the South-West of D and to the South of C; and A is to the north of D and in line with B.

Can you find out in which direction of E is B located?
category : LOGIC

#1158 - Today Day Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

If the day after tomorrow is three days before Tuesday, do you know which day is today?
category : RIDDLE

#1159 - Balls In Box Math Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There are two boxes - A and B; both of them have a few balls inside them. If a ball is taken from Box A and put inside Box B, the number of balls in B becomes twice that of inside A.

But, of one ball is shifted from B to A, then the number of balls in both the boxes becomes equal.

Can you find out how many balls are there originally in Box and Box B?
category : MATHS

#1160 - 8 Number Grid Picture Problem

Difficulty Popularity

In the grid that has been given to you, you have to fill in the numbers from 1 to 8. The condition is that no two consecutive numbers should be places next to each other, be it vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

How will you do it?

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