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#721 - Which number replaces the question mark puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Which number replaces the question mark in the picture below ?

#722 - The Quick FootBall Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In a football game , Chelsea defeated Arsenal 3 - 0 but no man from either side scored.

How can this be possible ?

category : HUMOUR

#723 - Cricket Tricky Question

Difficulty Popularity

Assume it's a bowler friendly wicket and batsman is getting bowled out on every 1st ball he faced. Assuming there are no extras in the inning, which batsman will remain not out at the end of the inning?

category : LOGIC

#724 - Month Picture Rebus Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

By looking into rebus below, you need to decipher the hidden month name hidden in the picture below. Can you do it ?

#725 - The Ghost Room Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There is a room of which ghost afraid of ?
category : HUMOUR

#726 - Maths Magic - Square Root 12345678987654321 Brain Teaseer

Difficulty Popularity

We all know that square root of number 121 is 11.
But do you know what si the square root of the number "12345678987654321" ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#727 - Hidden Meaning Rebus Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

What hidden meaning does below rebus means ?

category : REBUS | PICTURE

#728 - Prisoners And The CupCakes Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Four well-known prisoners Michael Scofield, Fernando Sucre, T-Bag and Lincoln Burrows were imprisoned in Fox River State.

The jailor was a good man and occasionally given them cupcakes for the hardship they are showing in the jail. On one particular day, the jailer gives them 11 cup-cakes. They all love cupcakes and while chatting to each other the prisoners eat all the cupcakes.

They all like cupcakes but they don't know how many each of them had.
So they started the conversation.

Sucre : "Hey T-Bag, did you had more cupcakes than me ?".
T-bag : "I don't know man, Hey Burrows, did you had more cupcakes than me ?".
Burrows: "I don't know"
By hearing the conversation Scofield replied to all
Scofield: "I know how exactly how many cupcakes each of you had?".

So can you tell how many cupcakes each of them had ?

category : LOGIC

#729 - Ice Cream and House Number Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

An ice-cream seller visits Jacksonville every evening. In the town, the odd numbered houses and the even numbered houses are built on the opposite sides of the street respectively.

On a particular day, 5 children living in the first 5 houses buy ice-cream from the seller. All of them take different flavor and topping. Can you find out which child lives in which house and ordered which ice-cream with which topping with the help of the following clues?

1. Chunky lives between the child who bought the Raspberry topping and the child who bought pineapple ice cream.

2. Andy, whose house has an even number, bought the grape topping. Stef does not live next to Andy.

3. The chocolate ice cream had no topping.

4. The child who lives in house number 2 had the mixed fruit ice cream. The child in house number 3 did not have raspberry ice cream.

5. Chunk had orange ice cream. He hates orange grape.

6. The child who had the walnut topping lives in house number 5. Brand does not live in house number 4.

Please note that the odd numbered houses and the even numbered houses are located on the exactly opposite sides of the street.
category : LOGIC

#730 - Popular Who Am I

Difficulty Popularity

Put me inside and I transform wet from dry
The longer I stay inside, the stronger it becomes
Not only I'm wet when outside, I've also started to sag

Can you tell who am I?

#731 - Clash Royale Wizard Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In a very famous game known as "Clash Royal", There is a very powerful warrior named "The Wizard" which can be purchased from the card shop.
Cost increases in an interesting manner i.e
Cost of 1st Wizard is: 50 coins
Cost of 2nd Wizard is: 100 coins
Cost of 3rd Wizard is: 150 coins
Cost of 4th Wizard is: 200 coins
Cost of 5th Wizard is: 250 coins

i.e to buy 5 wizrds you need 50+100+150+200+250 = 750 coins.

How many wizards can you buy using 10000 coins ?

category : MATHS

#732 - The Ice cream Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Simon Pegg is a big Chelsea fan and he decided to sell the ice cream cones at 90% discounted price because of champions league win. But he got just two flavours choco-mix and strawberry. Pegg is selling strawberry ice cream at $1 and Choco-mix at $2.
Because it's a 90% discounted rate, so he is selling just one ice cream to one person.
Jose Mourinho went to the shop and gave the Pegg $2 and without asking Jose the seller gives him the Choco-mix ice cream cone.
Next, Pep Guardiola comes and also gave the Pegg the same amount i.e. $2.

Now Pegg asks Guardiola which flavour cone does he wants.

Why so different behaviours towards Jose and Pep ?
category : LOGIC

#733 - Campfire Humor Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

How can you start the fire using two pieces of woods ?
category : HUMOUR

#734 - Magical Number Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find a number such that if we multiply that number by 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6, then the resultant number contains same all digits (of course in a different place)
category : TRIVIA | MATHS

#735 - Whats The Temperature Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

Below rebus represents the current Temperature.


What is the current Temperature ?
category : REBUS

#736 - The Famous Coffee Science Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You are served a hot cup of coffee and room-temperature cream at a restaurant. You want to wait a few minutes before you drink the coffee, and you want it to be as hot as possible when you drink it. Should you pour the cream in the coffee:

a) Immediately
b) Just before you drink it
c) It doesn't matter
category : TRIVIA | SCIENCE

#737 - What Do you See - Brick Optical Illusion Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What except brick can you see in the picture below?

category : PICTURE

#738 - The Car Race Distance Time Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Fernando Alonso and Sebastian Vettel go for a car race. Bedore start of race, both of them have the exactly same amount of fuel in their respective cars. With the given fuel Fernando can drive continuously for 4 hours while Vettel can drive 1 hour more i.e five hours.

After a time they realize that amount of fuel left in Sebastian car is 4 times the fuel in Fernando car.

For long they are racing ?

#739 - Prime Number Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find out how many prime numbers that are less than 75 will leave an odd reminder when divided by 5?
category : MATHS

#740 - Farmer Shopkeeper QuickFire Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A farmer is constantly providing fruits from his Mango tree to a nearby grocery store. However, due to excellent weather, this time he has a good stock to sell.

When he tells about the excellent productivity with the shopkeeper, he asks the farmer the number of fruits he is willing to sell. To answer the shopkeeper, the farmer thinks about his tree that has 19 branches. Each branch has 7 boughs and each bough gives way to 3 twigs.

If each twig bears two fruits, can you calculate the number of oranges the farmer will be able to sell to the shopkeeper?
category : TRICK

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