#11 - You Clap For Me Riddle

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Whenever you saw me, you clap for me.
Though you hate me, you prefer me to my wife.

Who Am I?

category : WHAT AM I

#12 - Who Am I Riddle Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

I am a word of 5 letters.
Who Am I is indicated by 1st two letters.
My first three letters are used to cure disease.
My Last three reverse letters indicate a young boy.
My 4th, 3rd, and 2nd in order is a fruit drink.
If You got me you must be proud.

Who Am I?

category : WHAT AM I

#13 - Fruit Bird Person Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I am a fruit, a bird, and also a person.

What Am I?

category : WHAT AM I

#14 - Bedroom House Kitchen Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Two In A Bedroom, One In A House, But None In A Kitchen.

What Am I?​

category : WHAT AM I

#15 - I have branches, but I am not a tree

Difficulty Popularity

I have Branches, But no fruit, trunk, or leaves.

What am I?

category : WHAT AM I

#16 - Easy What Is It Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

It's not alive but It grows.
It's doesn't have lungs, but It needs air.
It's doesn't have a mouth, but water kills it.

What is it?

category : WHAT AM I

#17 - i'm easy to lift but hard to throw riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I'm very easy to lift but very hard to throw?

What Am I?

category : WHAT AM I

#18 - Which fruit is also a bird and a person Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I am a bird.
I am a fruit.
I am a person.

Who Am I?

category : WHAT AM I

#19 - Brothers Opposite Side of Road Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

The two brothers are on opposite sides of the road, but they never see each other. Who are they?

category : WHAT AM I

#20 - What Am I - Deaf Dumb Blind

Difficulty Popularity

I am deaf dumb and blind but always tell the truth.
Who Am I?

category : WHAT AM I

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