Brushing up your brain with the brain teasers every now and then is a great thing but have you ever yearned to find all the Popular Puzzles and Riddles at one place? To all such cravings, GPuzzles.Com has collected all those Popular Puzzles and Riddles that you hear people asking at a single place. The section is regularly updates so that we don't miss any of them. So even if you have read and learned all of them by heart, do keep visiting to find more every time you do.

#561 - Math Bricks Pyramid Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You need to solve the pyramid puzzle by filling the bricks in a manner that the sum of top bricks is equal to two lower bricks below it.

category : MATHS | PICTURE

#562 - Castle And The Architect Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Hundreds of years ago, in the great land of Zahar, a king decided to build 10 castles. He called upon his chief architect and kept his request forwards. According to the requirements of the kin:
1) All 10 castles should be connected with 5 straight walls.
2) Each wall must have at least 4 castles connected.
3) At least 1 castle must be protected by the walls.

What you see in the attached picture was the best the architect could propose.

Can you find a better way to build the castles and wall?

category : LOGIC

#563 - Hidden Key In The Kitchen Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the hidden key in the picture below?

category : PICTURE

#564 - The Hundred Number Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

We can create number 100 by using all numbers, i.e.0123456789 and mathematical operators (+/-) in many ways.
98 + 7 + 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 + 2 - 1 = 100

But if we add a condition that the use of the number 21 is the must. Then there are only a few solutions.

One of such solution is:
98 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 + 3 + 21 = 100

Can you tell any other solution?
category : SERIES | MATHS

#565 - The Hidden Panda Pills Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the hidden panda in the picture full of pills below?

category : PICTURE

#566 - Inspector Montalbano Mystery Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Before going to work, Inspector Montalbano got into the fight with his wife. After coming back from the work he found out that the police was in the home and his wife had just killed a burglar.
The police told that she killed the burglar in self-defense. She told her husband the story that she heard a doorbell and thought that it was me and as soon as she opened the door, the burglar jumped into her and she was so scared that she killed burglar immediately with the knife. Inspector Montalbano asked the police to arrest her wife for murder conspiracy. Why?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#567 - Matchsticks Arithmetic Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

As you can see in the picture below that an incorrect equation is formed using matchsticks.
8 + 9 = 4

You need to move three matchsticks to make the equation correct.

I can do it by three ways. What about you ?

#568 - Hardest Chess Problem

Difficulty Popularity

This is a classic chess puzzle and considered to be one of the hardest puzzles in history.
As shown in the picture below, White army is arranged in a classic chess board. You need to add black army i.e
1 king
1 queen
2 rooks
2 bishops
2 knights
8 pawns
in such a way that not a single piece of either color is under attack.

category : PICTURE

#569 - Probability To Choose Own Toy Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

I bought three toys for my triplet boys (one for each). I placed the toys in the dark store. One by one each boy went to the store and pick the toy. What is the probability that no boy will choose his own toy?

#570 - Last Number In Tough Sequence Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the last number in the number sequence given below?

10 : 10 : 20 : 45 : 110 : 300 : ?
category : SERIES | MATHS

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