Brushing up your brain with the brain teasers every now and then is a great thing but have you ever yearned to find all the Popular Puzzles and Riddles at one place? To all such cravings, GPuzzles.Com has collected all those Popular Puzzles and Riddles that you hear people asking at a single place. The section is regularly updates so that we don't miss any of them. So even if you have read and learned all of them by heart, do keep visiting to find more every time you do.

#481 - Sherlock Holmes Anne Cipher Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Anne was found dead in the central park of London.
There are six suspects "hazard", "Costa", "Pedro", "Willian", "Terry" and "courtois".

Anne has written the murdered name in cipher on the floor as "dqvxf".

Police were unable to solve the mystery so they called Sherlock.
After a minute, Sherlock was able to decipher the cipher and ask the police to capture the murderer.

Who is the murderer?

category : MYSTERY

#482 - What is It Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

It is written with two letters.
It is said with the one.
It usually is seen with the two.

What is it?

#483 - Married UnMarried Looking Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Terry Is looking at Millie
Millie is looking Stones
Terry is married while Stones is not.

So Is married person looking at an unmarried person?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Need more information.

category : LOGIC | TRICK

#484 - Who Are We

Difficulty Popularity

Without being called, we came out at night.
Without being stolen, we get lost in the day.
Who are we?

#485 - Which Tank Will Fill First Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Which tank will fill first?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#486 - Chocolates In Hand Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you count the number of chocolates in hand?

category : HUMOUR | PICTURE

#487 - Tricky Visual Equation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve below tricky maths equation and found the value of cup?

#488 - Base Ball Games Cryptarithmetic Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve the below cryptarithmetic riddle
by replacing alphabets of words by a number so that the algebraic equation holds true?

category : MATHS | EQUATION

#489 - Car Moving Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In which direction car is moving?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#490 - 7 Matchsticks Triangles Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

By adding just 2 matchsticks, can you have 7 triangles in the picture below?

Note: As you can see there are no triangles in the picture and you may not need to add matchsticks on the same surface.

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