#181 - Soap Weighing Maths Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

We have two soap of equal weights and a 3/4 pound weight.
However, after using 1/4 of soap we place all three objects on balance as On one side of balance we place one soap(unused) and on another side, we placed used soap (i.e 3/4th of soap) and 3/4 pound weight.

What is the soap weight?

#182 - Add The Matches Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Which maximum three digit number can you form by adding exactly 3 matches?

#183 - Suicide Or Murdered - Crime Scene Home Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Based on the clues in the picture, Can you identify if it's a murder or suicide?

category : MYSTERY | PICTURE

#184 - Find Read Bird Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the real bird in the picture below?

category : PICTURE

#185 - Find The Killer In Shop Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Based on the clues in the picture below, can you find the killer?

#186 - Who Is The Kidnapper Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Look carefully at the picture below and can you identify who is the Kidnapper?

#187 - Find Casino White Chip Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the white chip from the casino picture below?

category : PICTURE

#188 - Decipher Maths Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

Can you decipher the below rebus riddle?

#189 - Human Palm Counting Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you count the number of images in which human palm is pointing to number 1?

category : PICTURE

#190 - Maximum Painted Area Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Which of below figure has maximum painted area?

category : PICTURE

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