Do you desire of just Maths Puzzles and Riddles whenever you are in search of brain teasers? If that is the case, you have landed on the appropriate page. We at GPuzzles.Com have collected all kind of Maths Puzzle and Riddles and posted them under the same branch so it is easy for the readers to start picking them up one by one. Do keep looking at the page as we are constantly updating our database and you will definitely find some new puzzles updated with time.

#131 - Cool Mathematical Equation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

One of your friends comes to you with a simple mathematical equation.

25 - 55 + (85 + 65) = ?

You solve the equation to get 120 as the result and tells him that it was as easy as eating a pie.

To this, your friend reverts, "You won't believe that the actual answer to this question is 5!"

You are left dumbfounded at this statement. How can this be true?

#132 - Maths Examination Problem

Difficulty Popularity

While you're giving a competitive exam, you spend a lot of time doing just the mathematics section and you realize that not much time is left.

You ask the examiner, questioning her about the remaining time. Being quirky in nature, she replies that the amount of time left is 1/5th of the time you have already consumed.

If the entrance exam was of 90 minutes duration, can you find the remaining time?
category : MATHS

#133 - Who is tallest riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In an experiment, 200 children are arranged in 10 different rows, where each row contains 20 children. As a result, 20 columns are formed. From each of those columns, the shortest one is selected and from those 20 children, the tallest one is tagged X. These children now return to their initial places.

Now, the tallest child from each row is selected and the shortest from them is tagged Y.

Can you tell which one from the two (X and Y) is taller?
category : MATHS

#134 - Statement Equation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Consider the following situations:
A + A = B
B + B = D
A + D = E

Then can you find the value for:
B + D + E?

#135 - Which number I am thinking of

Difficulty Popularity

I am thinking of a five digit number such that:

First and last digits are same, their submission is an even number and multiplication is an odd number and is equal to the fourth number. Subtract five from it and we obtain the second number. Then divide into exact half nd we get the 3rd number.

Which number I am thinking of?
category : MATHS

#136 - Card permutations probability Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Alex is shuffling a pack of cards (54 cards in total) and after some time, he takes out a joker card.

Now, he splits the remaining cards into two piles. Can you find out the probability where one of the piles has a sequence of card from A to K in order?

#137 - Classic Buying Eggs Maths Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Below is the cost of eggs at a local shop in Burnley:
*Cost of one snake egg: 5 pence.
*Cost of one Echidna egg: 1 penny
*Cost of 20 Bird eggs: 1 penny

John entered the shop need to buy
*All types of eggs.
*Needs to buy birds egg in multiple of 20.
* Need to buy 100 eggs

How many Snake, Echidna, and Bird eggs does John need to buy considering he got only 100 pence?
category : MATHS

#138 - Don't Break Plates Maths Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Servant John was a very careless servant and he regularly breaks plates while cleaning them. So the house owner comes up with the solution and told him that for every plate he washed without breaking, he will give an incentive of 3 pence and for every plate he broke, he will be fined 9 pence. In a week, John washed 100 plates and was given 240 pence.

How many plates john broke?

category : MATHS

#139 - Famous Send More Money Equation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Below equation is one the most popular equation.Can you solve the below equation by replacing alphabet with a digit such that the equation holds as well?
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#140 - 4 Two's Biggest Number

Difficulty Popularity

What is the biggest number that can be formed using four 2s?
category : MATHS

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