Have you mastered the art of solving puzzles and brain teasers already? Well, we have the following section of Hard Puzzles and Riddles especially for you. See for yourself how good you are at solving the hardest of them. If you can solve the following Hard Puzzles and Riddles, consider yourself to be a master at it.

#261 - What is It Mind Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

No one wants to have it, but if one got it, he doesn't want to lose it. What is It?

#262 - The Pound Is Not A Finish Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You have a sentence - 'The pound is not a finish.'

Given below are a few modifications that you have to implement on the sentence in the correct order. Once done, you will reveal a popular scientific fact. The instructions for modifications are:
- Remove one word.
- Eliminate one letter from one word.
- Take out a letter and insert another in its place.
- Substitute a word with its antonym.
- Take out two letters from one word.
category : STATEMENTS

#263 - Hard Odd One Out Matchstick Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which of the below images is the odd one out?

#264 - What is It Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

It is written with two letters.
It is said with the one.
It usually is seen with the two.

What is it?

#265 - Count Minutes In February 2017

Difficulty Popularity

Can you count the number of minutes in Feb 2017?

Note: Shortest answer is the winner :-)

#266 - Number Dot Equation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve the below equation puzzle?

category : MATHS | EQUATION

#267 - The Fifth Card Magic Trick Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Famous magicians Dylan Rhodes and Daniel Atlas performed an exhilarating magic trick in my last birthday party. Since, it was my birthday, Rhodes asked me to shuffle a new deck and pick any five cards out of it. I took out the cards as asked, looked at them and then showed all five cards to Rhodes. Rhodes then gave four cards to Daniel and the remaining fifth card to me. Daniel looked at the four cards for about ten seconds and then he told me what card I was holding.

Surprise, Surprise! He was right!

It was quite surprising to me at that time, but when I reached back home, I was able to crack the trick behind the magic.

Can you?

category : LOGIC

#268 - Tricky Visual Equation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve below tricky maths equation and found the value of cup?

#269 - Software engineer Age Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Here is a conversation of two software engineers.

Software engineer 1 : Whats your date of birth ?
Software engineer 2 replied: My DOB is "430099200".
Software engineer 1 replied: I am born in august too.

Based on above conversation, What is the age of Software engineer 2?
category : LOGIC

#270 - 7 Matchsticks Triangles Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

By adding just 2 matchsticks, can you have 7 triangles in the picture below?

Note: As you can see there are no triangles in the picture and you may not need to add matchsticks on the same surface.

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