Have you mastered the art of solving puzzles and brain teasers already? Well, we have the following section of Hard Puzzles and Riddles especially for you. See for yourself how good you are at solving the hardest of them. If you can solve the following Hard Puzzles and Riddles, consider yourself to be a master at it.

#241 - Analytical Maths Girl Child Probability Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In Chelsea square, there are two mansions M1 and M2. Both M1 and M2 have two children each.

In Mansion M1, The boy plays for Chelsea youth academy and the other child play table tennis.
In Mansion M2, The boy recently joined the school and they just had a newborn in the home

Can you prove that probability of M1 having girl child is more than that of M2?

#242 - Missing Year Number Series

Difficulty Popularity

Find the missing year in the series below?

1997 1999 ? 2011 2017 2027
category : SERIES | MATHS

#243 - Yesterday Was Tomorrow, Friday Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

LR said, "If yesterday was tomorrow, today would be Friday."
What did LR make this statement?

#244 - Name Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I am a son of a chemist and a mathematician.
People called me Iron59.

What's my name?

#245 - Maths Symbol Rebus Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which maths symbol does this below rebus identify?

#246 - Maze Exchange Ball Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You need to complete the maze by entering from the entrance (near yellow circle - bottom left) and they leave from the exit point (near green circle - bottom middle).

You need to follow below rules:
1. You can go through one circle more than once.
2. You can move only by exchanging green and yellow circles.

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#247 - Best Philosophical Riddle Ever - Who Betrayed Whom?

Difficulty Popularity

A couple Adam and Eve are undergoing turmoil in their life so decided to commit suicide. They decided that on the count of three, they both will jump off the building. So they started counting and on the count of three Adam jumped, but Eve stayed and watched Adam drop for 7 seconds and then she saw a parachute open.

So who betrayed whom?

category : LOGIC

#248 - Decipher MatchSticks Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you decipher the two rows to find the hidden word?

#249 - Series Deduction Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

6 + 6 + 6 = N
7 + 7 + 7 = E
8 + 8 + 8 = R
0 + 0 + 0 = ?
category : SERIES

#250 - Milk Vs Cream Trivia Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which is heavier Milk or Cream?
category : TRIVIA

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