We all have those times when we are not able to solve most of the puzzles or riddles we find anywhere. But there is no reason to lose your heart. Instead focus on the section below that comprises of Easy Puzzles and Riddles by GPuzzles.Com For everything in life, there is a beginning point. The following will serve as the beginning point of solving complex riddles and puzzles. Begin your journey by solving these Easy Puzzles and Riddles and gradually master the art of solving the puzzles.

#51 - Shrink Bath Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

When I take the bath, I shrink every time. Who am I?

#52 - Guess Company Name Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

Can you guess the company name from the picture below?

category : REBUS | PICTURE

#53 - Mitch And Irene Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Mitch and Irene killed thousands of people but they are not punished.

category : TRICK | TRIVIA

#54 - Classic Apple Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

An Engineer and a doctor were attracted towards a beautiful girl named Steffi. Engineer need to go out of the town for some work for a week. Before leaving, he gave Steffi exactly seven apples and asked her to eat one apple every day.

category : HUMOUR

#55 - I Make Polar Bears White Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I can make polar bears white.
I can make joker cry.
I can make the toughest guy in the world to pee.
I can make a bald guy to comb.
I can make celebs look like a fool.
I can make cakes bitter.
I can even turn the sun around.

Can you guess the riddle?
category : HUMOUR

#56 - What Am I Poem Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I am the end of life but also the start of earth.
I wait in the middle of the ocean but not there in the bank.
I stay very close to the beginning of the death.
I am able to enter in the heaven but also there in the midst of the hell.

What Am I?
category : WHAT AM I

#57 - MilOneLion Rebus Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

What does below rebus puzzle means?

category : REBUS | PICTURE

#58 - Guess Blood Animal Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You cannot kill it without spilling your own blood.

Can you name any such animal?
category : HUMOUR

#59 - 64 S On C B Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

If "7D of a W" => 7 days of week
Whats "64s On C B" stand for?
category : HUMOUR

#60 - Odd One Out Shape Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which of the mathematical shape is the odd one out?

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