Anmol Rawat (anmol)

Anmol Rawat is a contributing author in the anthology 'Blank Space : Filled with Inspiration'.

He is a Delhiite who has completed his graduation in English Honors and also holds a diploma in 3D Animation & Visual Effects. Writing has always been his passion for as long as he can remember and was sparked with the sparkling words of Nicholas Sparks. Blogging offers him a platform to unleash his creative skills. He is a bibliophile who has grown fond of authors like Dan Brown, John Green, Stephen King, Amish Tripathi and Preeti Shenoy. Movies and music occupies his world when he is not reading or writing. Spreading love through his words is his only dream.

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#281 - Online Spot The Difference Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

If you can find all the ten differences in the given pictures, you are a genius.

#282 - Tricky Death Mystery Question

Difficulty Popularity

A man gets his suit torn and he dies after two minutes. He was doing his regular job. What is the possibility?

#283 - Photo Riddle Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In the given picture, there is a fly in the wine glass depicted by the sticks. You have to remove the fly from the glass. You can move only two sticks. Also, you can’t touch the fly

#284 - Maths IES Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A thief is running after stealing two gold bars from an ancient and sacred temple. The villagers see him running and runs after him. While running, he comes across a rope bridge. There is a warning board on the start of the bridge stating that the rope can only accommodate a weight of 130 pounds.

Now the thief weighs 100 pounds and the gold bars weigh 20 pounds each. But ignoring the warning he just crosses the bridge with both gold bars. He manages to cross safely. How?

#285 - IAS Logical Question

Difficulty Popularity

An old man in the village feels that his end is near. He calls his two sons to discuss about the land he owns and other properties. He tells them to have a race on their horses till the city border. The one with the slower horse will be rewarded with the entire property.

Both of them keep wandering here or there without any result as no one is filling to reach the border. Then they visit the wise man of the village and seek his advice. The wise men tells them something listening to which they jump on the horses and race as fast as they can till the city border.

What did the wise man tell them?

#286 - Funny Ias Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

A candidate had appeared in an interview in a renowned company. While answering the question, he became quite nervous. The interviewer was generous and he ordered coffee for him. He kept the coffee before him. Before the candidate could take a sip, he was asked by the interviewer 'What is before you?'

He smiled and replied 'Tea'. The interviewer hired him immediately. Why?

#287 - Worlds Hardest Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A mastermind organized a quiz competition in which six selected candidates were invite namely James Hunt, Ruxandra Bar, Sophia Connors, David Finch, Fred Odea and Brian Miller. A 'special puzzle' was asked to all of them. The first one to answer it was promised for a big award.

After that, the candidates were offered the meal before the mastermind stood up to announce the much awaited result. He started announcing:

'Ok now everybody!'
'The winner of…..'
'The Hardest Riddle Ever Event.'

And then he smiled. All the candidates understood who won.

Do you know who won ?

#288 - What Am I Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

What comprises of five hands (or more) without being declared as an abnormal creature?

#289 - Unique Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

It takes ten minutes to fry a steak (five minutes for each side). You are frying the steaks in a pan that can accommodate only two steaks at one time. What is the least amount of time by which you can fry all the three steaks you have?

#290 - Maths Logical Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A man of faith visits the holy land where three temple are erected in a row offering a surreal divinity to the place. Awestruck at the sight of the magnificent temples, he visits the first temple where he finds that the number of flowers in his basket increases to double the number as soon as he sets his foot inside the temple. Astonished by the miracle he is completely happy and seeks it as a blessing of his god. He offers a few flowers to the stone idol of god and moves out.

Then he visits the second temple, where the same miracle happens again. The number of flowers in his basket again double up in number. With a smile on his face, he offers a few of flowers to the stone idol again and walks out after praying.

The moment he enters the third temple, the number of flowers increases to double again. Now he feels entirely blessed. He offers all the flowers at the feet of the stone idol and walks out in a moment of bliss.

When he walks out, he has no remaining flowers with him. He offered equal number of flowers at each of the temple. What is the minimum number of flowers he had before entering the first temple? How many flowers did he offer at each temple?

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