SAP AG Interview Puzzles have been brought to you by GPuzzles.Com. The basic motive behind this post is to make the students (preparing for the interview) aware of the structure of Interview Questions in Cognizant Technology.

A Basic info about the company:
SAP AG is a German global software company that builds enterprise software to manage business processes and customer relations. The corporation is headquartered in Walldorf, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, with regional branches all around the world. SAP AG is a leading company in the market of enterprise applications in terms of software and software-related service.

The following SAP AG Interview Puzzles will help you brush up your skills and will make you more confident while giving the interview.

SAP AG Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #1 - Logical Maths Gold Bar Brain Teaser

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A worker is to perform work for you for seven straight days. In return for his work, you will pay him 1/7th of a bar of gold per day. The worker requires a daily payment of 1/7th of the bar of gold. What and where are the fewest number of cuts to the bar of gold that will allow you to pay him 1/7th each day?

SAP AG Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #2 - Interview Marble Logic Puzzle

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You are given a set of scales and 12 marbles. The scales are of the old balance variety. That is, a small dish hangs from each end of a rod that is balanced in the middle. The device enables you to conclude either that the contents of the dishes weigh the same or that the dish that falls lower has heavier contents than the other.
The 12 marbles appear to be identical. In fact, 11 of them are identical, and one is of a different weight. Your task is to identify the unusual marble and discard it. You are allowed to use the scales three times if you wish, but no more.

Note that the unusual marble may be heavier or lighter than the others. You are asked to both identify it and determine whether it is heavy or light.

SAP AG Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #3 - Math IQ Question

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Adam is one of the finalist in an IQ championship. As the final test, he is provided with two hourglass. One of them can measure eleven minutes while the other one can measure thirteen minutes.
He is asked to measure exactly fifteen minutes using those two hourglasses. How will he do it ?

SAP AG Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #4 - Logic Problem Brain Teaser

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The world is facing a serious viral infection. The government of various countries have issued every citizen two bottles. You as well have been given the same. Now one pill from each bottle is to be taken every day for a month to become immune to the virus. The problem is that if you take just one, or if you take two from the same bottle, you will die a painful death.

While using it, you hurriedly open the bottles and pour the tablets in your hand. Three tablets come down in your hand and you realize they look exactly the same and have same characteristics. You can’t throw away the pill as they are limited and you can’t put them back or you may put it wrong and may die someday.

How will you ensure that you are taking the right pill?

SAP AG Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #5 - Chances of Having Same Birthday Problem

Difficulty Popularity

How many people must be gathered together in a room, before you can be certain that there is a greater than 50/50 chance that at least two of them have the same birthday?

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