Mind Teasers : Hard Maths Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Right across the street is a fast food outlet that sells chicken in the order of 6, 9 and 20 only.
Determine the maximum number of chicken pieces that cannot be ordered from the outlet?
category : MATHS


Mind Teasers : Classic Lateral Thinking Problem

Difficulty Popularity

There are two glasses in front of you. One of the glasses is full of coke and the other glass is full of lemonade. You take a spoonful of coke and mix it into the glass of lemonade. Now the lemonade glass has a mixture of coke and lemonade. You take a spoonful of that mixture and mix it inside the coke glass.

Now what do you think? - The glass with coke has more quantity of lemonade or the glass with lemonade have more quantity of coke mixed with it?

Mind Teasers : Prime Number < 100 Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you list all the prime numbers than 100 which when divided by 5 leaves an odd remainder?
category : MATHS

Mind Teasers : Colditz Pascal Prison Escape Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Two world's famous prisoners 'Colditz' and 'Pascal' are locked in a cell.
They plan to escape from the cell.
They noticed there is an open window at 40 feet above the ground level.
Both of them tried very hard but are never able to reach there.

Then both of them decided to plan to escape by a tunnel and they start digging out.
After digging for just 5 days, Colditz and Pascal comes out with the much more easier plan than tunneling and they escaped.

what was the plan ?
category : LOGIC | SITUATION

Mind Teasers : Popular Castle History Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A square island comprised of a square castle. A 14m wide trench surrounded the island from everywhere. Roman Empire wanted to invade the castle and gain the loot as well as possession of the island. They brought along wooden planks to cross the trench. However, they realized that the planks were just 13m long.

How did they use those planks to invade as well as capture the island ?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : 3 Gallon Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

You have been given three jars of 3 liters, 5 liters and 8 liters capacity out of which the 8 liters jar is filled completely with water. Now you have to use these three jars to divide the water into two parts of 4 liters each.

How can you do it making the least amount of transfers?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Survive The Fire Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Isaac Newton is stranded on an island covered in forest.

One day, when the wind is blowing from the west, lightning strikes the west end of the island and sets fire to the forest. The fire is very violent, burning everything in its path, and without intervention the fire will burn the whole island, killing the man in the process.

There are cliffs around the island, so he cannot jump off.

How can the Isaac Newton survive the fire? (There are no buckets or any other means to put out the fire)

Mind Teasers : The problem of the family of Amazon

Difficulty Popularity

While walking through the deepest jungle of the amazon, Steve the explorer came across a mystical tomb. He went closer and it read:
"Here lies two faithful husbands, with their two faithful wives,
Here lies two grandmothers along with their two granddaughters,
Here lies two dad's along with their two beloved daughters,
Here lies two mothers along with their two lovely sons,
Here lies two maidens along with their two charming mothers,
Here lies two sisters along with their two amazing brothers.
All were born legitimate, with no incest."
Steve, then checked and saw that there were only 6 graves in total

How was this possible? Steve needs your help to figure it out.

Mind Teasers : Weight Balance Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You can place weights on both side of weighing balance and you need to measure all weights between 1 and 1000. For example if you have weights 1 and 3,now you can measure 1,3 and 4 like earlier case, and also you can measure 2,by placing 3 on one side and 1 on the side which contain the substance to be weighed. So question again is how many minimum weights and of what denominations you need to measure all weights from 1kg to 1000kg.

Mind Teasers : Secret Code Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You are giving an intelligence test. In that, you are provided by the code - MOD OAT AIM DUE TIE

You know that only one word from this code is true and the rest ones are only put in to make the task difficult for you. To understand, you are provided with a clue – If you are told any one of the characters of the code word, you can find out the word easily.

Can you deduce the actual code word from the entire code?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

Mind Teasers : Trick Statement Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find out if the following statement is true?

It does not matter how much older the sibling is, their younger one will eventually be half as old as the elder one.

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