Anmol Rawat (anmol)

Anmol Rawat is a contributing author in the anthology 'Blank Space : Filled with Inspiration'.

He is a Delhiite who has completed his graduation in English Honors and also holds a diploma in 3D Animation & Visual Effects. Writing has always been his passion for as long as he can remember and was sparked with the sparkling words of Nicholas Sparks. Blogging offers him a platform to unleash his creative skills. He is a bibliophile who has grown fond of authors like Dan Brown, John Green, Stephen King, Amish Tripathi and Preeti Shenoy. Movies and music occupies his world when he is not reading or writing. Spreading love through his words is his only dream.

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#321 - Logic Problem Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

The world is facing a serious viral infection. The government of various countries have issued every citizen two bottles. You as well have been given the same. Now one pill from each bottle is to be taken every day for a month to become immune to the virus. The problem is that if you take just one, or if you take two from the same bottle, you will die a painful death.

While using it, you hurriedly open the bottles and pour the tablets in your hand. Three tablets come down in your hand and you realize they look exactly the same and have same characteristics. You can’t throw away the pill as they are limited and you can’t put them back or you may put it wrong and may die someday.

How will you ensure that you are taking the right pill?

#322 - Paradox Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

At a massage parlor, it was written on a sign board 'I only massage those who do not massage themselves.'

So does the masseur massages himself?

#323 - Popular Logical Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A couple had to take shelter in a hotel for they could not proceed their journey in the rain. Having nothing to do at all, they started playing cards. Suddenly there was a short circuit and the lights went off. The husband inverted the position of 15 cards in the deck (52 cards normal deck) and shuffled the deck.

Now he asked his wife to divide the deck into two different piles which may not be equal but both of them should have equal number of cards facing up. There was no source of light in the room and the wife was unable to see the cards.

For a certain amount of time, she thought and then divided the cards in two piles. To the husband’s astonishment, both of the piles had equal number of cards facing up.

How did she do it?

#324 - Popular Chess Rectangles Count Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you count the number of rectangles in a chess board ?

#325 - Easy Logic Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Rhea goes to a jeweler with four 3-link chains and asks him to join them together to make a 12-link chain. On a normal day, he would make 4 cuts and will join them together for making a 12-link chain. But today he is feeling clever and he finds a new way to link them which will require less cuts.

How did he do it?

#326 - Famous Science Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Assume a situation. There is an earthquake which is one point higher on the Richter scale than another earthquake which is ten times powerful. Now how much powerful do you think the earthquake will be if it was just 1/2 a point higher on the Richter scale?

#327 - Brothers Ias Smart question

Difficulty Popularity

Two brothers have developed differences among themselves and thus want to part ways. The problem is that they have one big land that is irregular in shape. Both of them want an equal share which is fairly impossible as there is no way that land could be divided in equal halves due to irregularity in the shape.

The wisest man of the village is called who tells a way in which both of them will be happy even though the land might not be divided into exactly equal halves.

What way did he suggest?

#328 - Counting Squares IAS Question

Difficulty Popularity

Can you count the number of squares in a chess board ?

This is an FAQ question asked in an IAS interview.

#329 - Interesting IPS Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

How is it possible for two people to be standing behind each other at the same time ?

#330 - Smartest Mind Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Rachel goes into a room where there are 3 primates – Chimpanzee A, Chimpanzee B and Chimpanzee C in their respective cages.

Chimpanzee A is trying to walk like a human. Chimpanzee B is trying to hold a pen against the paper. Chimpanzee C is trying to build blocks.

Who is the smartest primate in the room ?

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