Anmol Rawat (anmol)

Anmol Rawat is a contributing author in the anthology 'Blank Space : Filled with Inspiration'.

He is a Delhiite who has completed his graduation in English Honors and also holds a diploma in 3D Animation & Visual Effects. Writing has always been his passion for as long as he can remember and was sparked with the sparkling words of Nicholas Sparks. Blogging offers him a platform to unleash his creative skills. He is a bibliophile who has grown fond of authors like Dan Brown, John Green, Stephen King, Amish Tripathi and Preeti Shenoy. Movies and music occupies his world when he is not reading or writing. Spreading love through his words is his only dream.

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#211 - How Many Triangles Are There In This Picture

Difficulty Popularity

Can you calculate the number of triangles in the given picture?

#212 - Short Geography FAQ Question

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There is a place on earth where the wind blows north and then suddenly towards the south. It happens all the time.

Do you know where this place is?

#213 - Matchsticks Logic Riddle

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You have six matchsticks. You have to place them in a manner that each one of them is in touch with the other five match sticks. Can you do it?

#214 - Fun Quick Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There are six parrots sitting on the branch of a beautiful tree. One of the parrot decides to fly away.

At this moment, how many parrots are sitting on the branch ?

#215 - Logic Picture Problem

Difficulty Popularity

As you can notice in the picture that ten coins have been arranged to form a triangle pointing upwards. What you have to do is move three coins and make that triangle point downwards. Can you do it in just 3 moves?

#216 - Tricky Iq Question

Difficulty Popularity

In a jar, there are some orange candies and some strawberry candies. You pick up two candies at a time randomly. If the two candies are of same flavor, you throw them away and put a strawberry candy inside. If they are of opposite flavors, you throw them away and put an orange candy inside.

In such manner, you will be reducing the candies in the jar one at a time and will eventually be left with only one candy in the jar.

If you are told about the respective number of orange and strawberry candies at the outset, will it be feasible for you to predict the flavor of the final remaining candy ?

#217 - Hard Riddle What Am I

Difficulty Popularity

My first is present – future's past –
A time in which your lot is cast.

My second is my first of space
Defining people's present place.

My whole describes a lack of site –
A place without length, breadth, or height.

This is a charade. You have to find out two words and combine them to form the third. Confused? Suppose that my first is pointing towards 'off' and my second is pointing towards 'ice', then my whole will combine to form 'office'.

#218 - Really Hard Rebus Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Find the meaning of rebus puzzle means ?

#219 - Tic Tac Toe Winning Strategy Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Let's just say that we are playing tic-tac-toe in a different manner. You all must be quite familiar with the game. Only, we have changed the rules slightly. Refer the picture. There are white and black markers instead of the usual circle and cross. They just represent two different people. Each player gets to play just three times. After that, he can only move the markers from one square to the adjacent empty square.

For example, if you see the figure, you will find that now, if it's white's turn, he can move from 6 to 3. And then whatever the black player may do, the next move that white will play will be moving the marker from 5 to 2 and he will win the game (three in a row).

Now, you have to acknowledge everything and decide that if both the players are playing with the perfect strategy, will the white player (the first to play) be the winner always? Or the black can win? Or they can lead the game to a draw every time?

#220 - Country Name Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

By joining Japan and Panama, we can get a united name as Japanama. There are many other countries that will share the same nature of three overlapping letters if their names are united. You have to tell any two such pairs out of them.

Can you?

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