Anmol Rawat (anmol)

Anmol Rawat is a contributing author in the anthology 'Blank Space : Filled with Inspiration'.

He is a Delhiite who has completed his graduation in English Honors and also holds a diploma in 3D Animation & Visual Effects. Writing has always been his passion for as long as he can remember and was sparked with the sparkling words of Nicholas Sparks. Blogging offers him a platform to unleash his creative skills. He is a bibliophile who has grown fond of authors like Dan Brown, John Green, Stephen King, Amish Tripathi and Preeti Shenoy. Movies and music occupies his world when he is not reading or writing. Spreading love through his words is his only dream.

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#141 - Plexer Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What does below plexer means ?

#142 - Riddle For Smart People

Difficulty Popularity

A teacher is told that the principal of the school will be inspecting his class on the next day. Now, the teacher is worried for the impression that his class might cast on the principal since all the students are not intelligent. Also, the principal can ask questions from anywhere. However, he will have the power to choose any student for answering the question.

Now he wants that the principal must be impressed with the performance of his class. What will he do to maximize the final impression on the principal ?

#143 - Triangle Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Solve the brain teaser by counting the number of triangles in picture below.

#144 - Rebus Brain Teasers For Kids

Difficulty Popularity

What does this rebus teaser means ?

#145 - Hard Rebus Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

What one Word does below rebus identifies ?

#146 - Cats Identical Picture Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You can see nine almost same looking cats in the picture. However, they are not identical; only two of them are. Can you find out those two identical cats?

#147 - Funny Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

What is this rebus puzzle trying to say?

#148 - Picture Star Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

This is a puzzle that will keep you thinking for some time. You can see nine stars in the attached picture. Your task is simple. You have to connect all of them using just four lines. Here is the catch, you have to do it in a continuous flow which means you cant lift your hand or that every next line must begin where the first one ended.

How will you do it?

#149 - Water Measurement Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A barman is having a 12 liters jug full of beer. He needs to divide or split that beer into two equal parts. All he has is two empty jugs of capacity 8 liters and 5 liters.

How will he do it using them?

#150 - Most Stupid Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Jack and Jill are found dead on floor. The maid of the house is shocked to find it. There are no traces of any struggle on their bodies. Not a single sign of cut or bruise can be found on their bodies. Also, they did not die of poisoning. Near their bodies, a broken bowl was found and there was some water on the floor as well.

Can you deduce how they died?

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