Anmol Rawat (anmol)

Anmol Rawat is a contributing author in the anthology 'Blank Space : Filled with Inspiration'.

He is a Delhiite who has completed his graduation in English Honors and also holds a diploma in 3D Animation & Visual Effects. Writing has always been his passion for as long as he can remember and was sparked with the sparkling words of Nicholas Sparks. Blogging offers him a platform to unleash his creative skills. He is a bibliophile who has grown fond of authors like Dan Brown, John Green, Stephen King, Amish Tripathi and Preeti Shenoy. Movies and music occupies his world when he is not reading or writing. Spreading love through his words is his only dream.

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#101 - Mythological Diwali Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Do you know where Lord Rama celebrated his first Diwali?

#102 - Odd one Out Puzzle For Kids

Difficulty Popularity

There are three Doraemon images in the given picture. One of them is slightly different than the other two. Can you find out which one is different?

#103 - Brilliant Ias Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

Rohan was in an interview. The interviewer told his that this was his last question and then he asked him to point at the exact center of the table on which his resume was kept.

He gave an answer after which he was selected. Can you think of what happened inside the interview room?

#104 - Movie Rebus Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

The given picture shows a mathematical expression. But this also defines a movie name.

Can you decipher it?

#105 - How many triangles brain teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find out the number of triangles present in the given image?

Hint: The number is more than 100.

#106 - Form Seven Squares Match Stick

Difficulty Popularity

In the given picture, you can see a figure made with twenty matchsticks. In this figure, you can see a total of five squares - four 1x1 squares and one 3x3 square.

You have to form seven squares of any size (closed ones) by just moving two matchsticks. Also, you can't break the matchsticks or overlap them.

How can this be done?

#107 - Trick Gift Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Cindy opened twenty five presents.
Duke opened five presents.
John opened fifteen presents.

Judging by the statements, can you decipher how many presents will be opened by Rhea?

#108 - Hollywood Maths Rebus Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which movie name does the image in the question refers to?

#109 - Quick Logic Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Five thieves looted a bank and they ran away in a car. The bank staff informed the police and they began the search of their car in their jeep. They found them on a road and chased them eventually catching them.

The light that is used to fill the number plate was broken on the thieves' car. Also, the headlights of the jeep of police was not working. How was the police able to catch the thieves then?

#110 - Beautiful Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Money has different names. It depends on how you are using it and where you are using it. If you don't believe us, here are a few examples:
Money given in school is called fees.
Money offered after a service is called tip.
Money given by master to the subordinates is called wage.
Money borrowed from bank is called loan.
Money paid to government is called tax.
Monet given in court is called fine.
Money given to kidnappers is called ransom.

Judging by the above examples, can you tell what do we call the money given by a husband to his wife?

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