Aakriti Rawat (aakriti)

Aakriti Rawat is currently pursuing B. Arch. She is an avid reader and also likes to write whenever she can find some time in her busy study schedule.

#31 - One Line Fun Riddle

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What can you serve, but never eat?

#32 - Funny Nonsense Riddle

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Why do people go to bed ?

#33 - Small Funny Riddle

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Why did the school girl eat her homework ?

#34 - Stupid Puzzle To Ask

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Which country gets ill every time ?

#35 - One Line Comic Riddle

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What did baby corn say to his Mom?

#36 - Fun Kid Riddle

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There is rope by which you can never skip with ?

#37 - NoSense Riddle

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Which flower have two lips ?

#38 - Civil Service Riddle

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What happened when wheel was invented?

#39 - Tricky Math Riddle

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What do you get if you add 3 to 300 five times?

#40 - Shortest Stupid Riddle

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Why river is considered so rich ?

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