Are you looking for some Riddles for your children? In that case, you have landed on just the right page. At GPuzzles.Com, we have framed out a separate section comprising of Riddles for Children where you can bookmark your favorite puzzles in order to offer a healthy brain activity to your children.

#1 - One Line Funny Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you tell us in which is "Bay of Bengal" ?

#2 - Not The Twins Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Two babies were born to the same mother, on the same day, at the same time, in the same month and year and yet they are not considered as twins.

why ?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#3 - Text Rebus Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What Traffic Symbol does this Text says:

category : REBUS

#4 - Guard Door Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You are in a strange place which is guarded by two guards.One of the guard always say truth while other always lies.You don't know the identity of the two.You can ask only one question to go out from there.
What should you ask?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#5 - Crime Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There is a certain crime, that if it is attempted, is punishable, but if it is committed, is not punishable. What is the crime?
category : TRIVIA | RIDDLE

#6 - Simple Logical Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

prinka socks rack has 11 pink socks, 12 red socks , 13 orange socks, and 14 white socks,15 brown socks.
how many socks would she have to pull out in the dark to be sure she got a matching pair ?
category : LOGIC

#7 - Answer This Riddle Instantly

Difficulty Popularity

If you multiply all the numbers on your mobile phone , what is the answer?

#8 - Find The Error In This Picture

Difficulty Popularity

Find The Error In This Picture

category : PICTURE

#9 - Grandma Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

An electric train is traveling from Manchester to Liverpool (in south-west direction) at 200km/hr.
The wind is blowing south east at 125km/hr.

In which direction does the smoke blow ?

category : TRIVIA | RIDDLE

#10 - Strange Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What belongs to you but other people use it more than you.
category : RIDDLE

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