Easy Brain Teasers are easy to be solved as compared to other brain teasers. They require less thinking and effort while solving. These are of a great help to remove stress and also a great thing to utilize your free time.

Here we present some of the easy brain teasers for you.

#41 - Trick Statistics Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There is a jar containing toffees that can be either orange flavored or strawberry flavored. You know the fact that there is at least one orange flavored toffee in that jar. You close your eyes and pick two toffees on random.

You are provided with the fact that at least one of them will be strawberry flavored. Can you now find out how many strawberry toffees are there in that jar?

#42 - Sports Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In a particular game, there can be eight players at one time on the pitch and they last for seventy minutes. In the total duration, six players substitute with each player. All the players are then for the same time on the pitch including the substitutes.

Can you calculate the time each player was on the pitch?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#43 - Test Cricket Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Ajit have played 50 Test inning and his average is 50.

How many runs should Ajit score in his 51st test inning, so that his average moves up to 51.

Note : He got dismissed every time.
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#44 - Family Relation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A man is sitting alone on a bench in the park you go for your regular morning walks. In his hand, there is a picture at which he is looking constantly without blinking his eyes. You go to that man to find out.

You ask him, 'Who is the bright person in that picture?'

To your question he replies, 'Sisters and brothers I have none, but that man’s father is my father’s son' and then turns back to look at the picture.

Can you tell the person in the picture?

#45 - Easy Logical Problem

Difficulty Popularity

In a house gathering party, three friends named Mr. Orange, Mr. Grey and Mr. Pink are invited for dinner. All three of them decides to wear a shirt. In the party they notice that they are wearing either a Orange, a Grey or a Pink shirt.

Mr. Grey speaks first, 'Hey have you noticed yet that all of us are wearing different color shirts from our names?'

The person wearing the Pink shirt responds to this statement, 'Hey, thats right Mr. Grey.'

Analyzing these statements and the question, can you identify who is wearing which color shirt?
category : LOGIC

#46 - Quick Brain Teaser For Kids

Difficulty Popularity

On a weekend, two father and their sons planned for fishing in the lake near to their house. Till the lunch time, each man and son was able to catch one fish. They happily carried their basket to their home for cooking. But when they opened their basket, there were only three fishes.

How can this be possible seeking the fact that none of the fish were eaten, lost or thrown back?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#47 - IAS Murder Brain Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Two friends are standing in a large hall that is vacant except them both. They are facing each other. First friend predicts the future of the second one and says that in five minutes, the second will be stabbed by someone in the back. The clock is hanging on the wall in front of the second one.

He is shocked to hear this and impatiently sees the clock ticking away. After five minutes, he is stabbed on his back. Who stabbed him and how did it happen?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#48 - Ias Tricky Question

Difficulty Popularity

I just bought a new car for myself. The car's number is pretty unique as anyone can know my name through it. My car's number is WV733N. Can you find out my name?

#49 - Simple Logic Question

Difficulty Popularity

A family is having a reunion on the Christmas Eve. For the toast which shall follow with the dinner, they gather around the dining table. There is a grandfather, a grandmother, two fathers, two mothers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two daughters, one daughter in law and one mother in law who shall sit for the toast.

Each one of them requires a separate chair. How many chairs are required?
category : LOGIC

#50 - Math Symbols Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Given with the numbers - 2, 3, 4 and 5, you have to make an equation that is mathematically correct. The challenge is that you can only use two signs i.e. + and =. Also, you can't repeat a number or sign.

How will you do it?

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