#1 - Mathematical Sum Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you get sum of 99 by using all numbers (0-9) and only one mathematical symbols ?
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#2 - Number Maths Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Friends, I am thinking of four numbers such that

The sum of all the four numbers is 31.
Only one of number is odd.
The highest number minus the lowest number is 7.
If you subtract the middle two numbers, it equals two.
There are no duplicate numbers.

What four numbers i am thinking of ?
category : MATHS

#3 - Interesting Maths Problem

Difficulty Popularity

A 3 digit number is such that it's unit digit is equal to the product of the other two digits which are prime.
Also, the difference between it's reverse and itself is 396.
What is the sum of the three digits ?
category : MATHS

#4 - New Year Math Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A man drive his car to the office at 20miles/hr.
After reaching office, he realize that its a new year holiday so he went back home at a speed of 30miles/hr.

Discounting the time spent in the stoppage what was his average speed of his journey ?

#5 - Faulty Clock Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A clock loses 10 minutes each hour.

If the clock is set correctly at noon,what time is it when it reads 3 PM ?
category : MATHS

#6 - Birbal Riddles

Difficulty Popularity

A farmer with his neighbour once went to Emperor Akbar's court with a complaint.
'Your Majesty, I bought a well from him,' said the farmer pointing to his neighbour, 'and now he wants me to pay for the water.'
'That's right, your Majesty,' said the neighbour. 'I sold him the well but not the water'.

The Emperor asked Birbal(an intelligent adviser to the king) to settle the dispute.

How did Birbal solve the dispute?

#7 - Sam Loyd Mathematical Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Charley Smallish treats his best girl to a trolley ride, but on account of his limited resources they plan to walk back, so, if the car goes at the rate of nine miles an hour and they can walk at the rate of three miles an hour, how far could they ride if they must be back in eight hours?
category : MATHS

#8 - Find The Number

Difficulty Popularity

A four digit number (not beginning with 0) can be represented by ABCD. There is one number such that ABCD=A^B*C^D, where A^B means A raised to the B power. Can you find it?
category : MATHS

#9 - Maths Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Three alcoholic adults takilu whisku and Rumu got some liquor.
takilu gave whisku and Rumu as many liquor as they already had.
Then whisku gave takilu and Rumu as many liquor as they already had.
Finally Rumu gave whisku and takilu as many liquor as they already had.

Now each of them have 24 liquor.

How many liquor they had originally ?
category : MATHS

#10 - Maths Algebra Equation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you get total of 720 by using six zeros 0,0,0,0,0,0 and any maths operators.
category : MATHS | EQUATION

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