Mind Teasers : What Is It Rebus Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Below the rebus represents something without which we can't live these days. What is it?

category : REBUS | PICTURE


Mind Teasers : Famous Probability Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

This is a famous probability puzzle in which you have to choose the correct answer at random from the four options below.
Can you tell us whats the probability of choosing correct answer in this random manner.

1) 1/4
2) 1/2
3) 1
4) 1/4

Mind Teasers : Short Story Mystery Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A Japanese ship was making its way through the Arabian Sea. The captain felt like taking a bath and thus went to the bathroom after removing his Rolex watch and gold bracelet. When he returned back from the bathroom, he found out that his valuables were missing.

He suspected five of his crew members. He called them in and asked all of them what they were doing for the last 15 minutes. They replied as follows:parachute
The French cook (with a butcher knife): I was in fridge room getting meat for cooking.
The German Engineer (with some tools in hand): I was working on the generator engine.
The Bangladeshi seaman (empty handed): I was on the mast correcting the flag which was upside down by mistake.
The American Radio officer (with his headphones in hand): I was messaging to company that we will reach the port in the next two days that is Friday morning at 1100 hrs.
The Indian navigation officer (empty handed): I was taking a nap before my night watch began.

Upon hearing all of them, the captain found out who was the thief. How did he know that? Who is the thief?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

Mind Teasers : Be Detective And Find The Thief Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You need to be a detective and need to find the thief in the puzzle below?

category : MYSTERY | PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Weight Balance Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You can place weights on both side of weighing balance and you need to measure all weights between 1 and 1000. For example if you have weights 1 and 3,now you can measure 1,3 and 4 like earlier case, and also you can measure 2,by placing 3 on one side and 1 on the side which contain the substance to be weighed. So question again is how many minimum weights and of what denominations you need to measure all weights from 1kg to 1000kg.

Mind Teasers : Trick Gift Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Cindy opened twenty five presents.
Duke opened five presents.
John opened fifteen presents.

Judging by the statements, can you decipher how many presents will be opened by Rhea?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : IPS Tricky Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Jamie looked at his reflection on the window mirror of the 45th floor. Driven by an irrational impulse, he made a leap through the window on the other side. Yet Jamie did not encounter even a single bruise.

How can this be possible if he did neither landed on a soft surface nor used a parachute?

Mind Teasers : Crossing The River In Minimum Time Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Four people need to cross a dark river at night.

* They have only one torch and the river is too risky to cross without the torch.
* If all people cross simultaneously then torch light wont be sufficient.
* Speed of each person of crossing the river is different.cross time for each person is 1 min, 2 minutes, 7 minutes and 10 minutes.

What is the shortest time needed for all four of them to cross the river ?

Mind Teasers : Changed Password Trick Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

On a random day , i was not able to logged-in with my bank password , so i contacted them on phone.
Our conversation is stated as :

myself : My password is altered.
myself : I am not able to logged-in.
customer-executive : Your password is distinct this time and it got 8 letters , out of which 2 are same of your previous password.
myself: Thanks , now i am able to logged-in.

Whats my old and new passwords ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Smart Birbal Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Akbar called Birbal and asked him to draw a line on the floor. He asked Birbal to make that line smaller without erasing it. Birbal smiled and did it before Akbar could blink his eyes.

How did he managed to do it?

Mind Teasers : Awesome Logic Problem

Difficulty Popularity

I went for an official tour in a big city where there are over 100 buildings.
Building-1 is named first building.
Building-2 is named second building.
Building-3 is named third building.

A visitors decides to walk through all the buildings, he finds all the buildings except building-62.
Visitor later founds that the local of the city have given it another name.

What is the name of the Building ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

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