Mind Teasers : Short Geography FAQ Question

Difficulty Popularity

There is a place on earth where the wind blows north and then suddenly towards the south. It happens all the time.

Do you know where this place is?


Mind Teasers : Find The Hidden Women Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the women hidden in the picture below?

category : PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Spot The Difference Christmas Tree Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you spot 5 differences in two Christmas tree below?

category : PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Trick Interesting Maths puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

There are three cars in a racing track. The track is made forming a perfect circle and is quite wide so that at one time, multiple cars can pass through it. The car which is leading is driving at 55 MPH and the slowest car is driving at 45 MPH. The car that is in middle of these two is driving in between the two speeds. For the time being you can say that the distance between the fastest car and the middle car is x miles and it is same between the middle car and the slowest car. Also, x is not equal to 0 or 1.

The car keeps running till the leading car catches up with the slowest car and then every car stops. Given the case, do you think that at any point, the distance between any two pairs will again become x miles?

Mind Teasers : What Is It six letter word. Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

It's a six letter word.
The first four letter is me.
The second and last letter are the same.
The fourth second and last letter are payment.

What Is It ?

Mind Teasers : Cricket Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Two batsman each on 94 runs. Seven runs needed to win in last 3 balls. Both make 100*. How?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Matchsticks Relationship Puzzle - Know Your Alphabets

Difficulty Popularity

What is the relationship between these matchsticks figures below?

Hint: You must know your alphabets.

Mind Teasers : MatchStick Squares Count Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you count the number of squares in this matchstick puzzle below?

Mind Teasers : Hardest Chess Problem

Difficulty Popularity

This is a classic chess puzzle and considered to be one of the hardest puzzles in history.
As shown in the picture below, White army is arranged in a classic chess board. You need to add black army i.e
1 king
1 queen
2 rooks
2 bishops
2 knights
8 pawns
in such a way that not a single piece of either color is under attack.

category : PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Hidden Bird In Snow Picture Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the hidden bird in the picture (winter time) below?

category : PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Knockout Matches Logical Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Let us say that a table tennis tournament was going on with knock out terms which means the one who loses the match is out of the tournament. 100 players took part in that tournament.

How many matches were played?

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