Mind Teasers : Number Equation Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Solve for the letters:


PS: All the letters have a distinct value and O, T and E are not zero.


Mind Teasers : Water Measurement Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A barman is having a 12 liters jug full of beer. He needs to divide or split that beer into two equal parts. All he has is two empty jugs of capacity 8 liters and 5 liters.

How will he do it using them?
category : LOGIC | MEASURE

Mind Teasers : Logical Cut Brain Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Your friends are coming over to your birthday party. Your mum has bought this delicious giant doughnut for you guys. Unfortunately she had to go somewhere. Now you have to serve all of them including you.

There are a total of nine kids including you. None of you would mind a smaller piece. Can you cut this doughnut into nine pieces in just three straight cuts?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

Mind Teasers : The sheep and the grass logical puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

If we tie a sheep to one peg, a circled grass is been eaten by the sheep. If we tie the sheep to two pegs with a circle on its neck, then an eclipse is eaten out of the grass by the sheep. If we want an eclipse then we put two pegs then put a rope in between then and the other end of the rope is tied up on the sheep's neck.

Question: how should we tie the peg and the sheep so that a square is eaten out from the garden's grass? We only have one sheep's rope and the peg and the rings.
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Popular Thinking Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Once there lived a king who did not allow anybody to leave the kingdom and any foreigners in his kingdom. There was only one bridge that connected his empire with the outer world. A guard who was a sharpshooter was specially assigned for a lookout on the bridge. According to the orders, anyone moving outside should be killed and anyone coming to his kingdom should be sent back. To take rest, the guard used to sit inside his hut for 5 minutes and return back on the lookout. The bridge took a minimum of 8 minutes to pass.

Even then, a woman was able to escape the kingdom without incurring any kind of harm to the guard.

How ?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Save Death Penalty Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A man committed a felony. As per the rules of the empire, the king decided to sentence him to death. However, he gave the man a choice; a choice to decide which way he wanted to die.

The man was quite smart and he said something, which saved him from his death. What do you think he must have said?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Impossible Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In a recreational activity, you are given four different jars of 2 liters, 4 liters, 6 liters and 8 liters respectively with an unlimited water supply. Then you are asked to measure exactly 5 liters of water using them.

How will you do it?

Mind Teasers : Tricky Iq Question

Difficulty Popularity

In a jar, there are some orange candies and some strawberry candies. You pick up two candies at a time randomly. If the two candies are of same flavor, you throw them away and put a strawberry candy inside. If they are of opposite flavors, you throw them away and put an orange candy inside.

In such manner, you will be reducing the candies in the jar one at a time and will eventually be left with only one candy in the jar.

If you are told about the respective number of orange and strawberry candies at the outset, will it be feasible for you to predict the flavor of the final remaining candy ?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Number Sequence Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Identify the next two numbers in this Sequence ?

101, 112, 131, 415, 161, 718, ???, ???

category : LOGIC | SERIES

Mind Teasers : Solve Magic Square Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You have to place all the digits from 1 to 9 without repeating any number in a tic tac toe board. The condition is that the numbers should add up to 15 whether you add the numbers in each row, column or diagonally.

Can you do it?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Ten From Nine Toothpicks Trick Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

If you were asked to pick nine toothpicks and make them ten without breaking any of them, how will you do it?

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