Mind Teasers : Easiest Rebus Puzzle

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What does this rebus means ?

category : REBUS | PICTURE


Mind Teasers : Find Out Who Survives Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

100 people are standing in a circle. The person standing at number 1 is having a sword. He kills the person next to him with the sword and then gives the sword to the third person. This process is carried out till there is just one person left.

Can you find out who survives?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Tricky Glass Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Six identical glasses are in a row.
The first three glasses are filled with juice, and the last three glasses are empty.
By moving only one glass, can you arrange them so that the full and the empty glasses are alternate?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : What word am I ?

Difficulty Popularity

What word am I?


* I am a nine letter word.

* I am the exact inverse to expression 'neighborly and active'

* I contain the word 'over'.

* I begin will a vowel.
category : WHAT AM I

Mind Teasers : Logical Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Jonathan has three boxes containing milk chocolates and dark chocolates. The problem is that all of them have been labeled incorrectly as follows.
Box1: Dark Chocolates
Box2: Milk Chocolates
Box3: Dark Chocolates and Milk Chocolates

How will he label all the boxes correctly by just opening one box?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Cool Equation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

If 1 + 9 + 11 = 1, Then what is the value of

12 + 11 + 9 = ?

Mind Teasers : Lateral thinking picture puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In the given picture, you can find a few numbers. Now you have to fill each square of the grid in a manner that every row and every column contains the digits 1 to 6. Another thing to keep in mind is that the connected squares must have the same number in them.

Do you accept the challenging task?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Most Popular Monty Hall Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

The host of a game show, offers the guest a choice of three doors. Behind one is a expensive car, but behind the other two are goats.

After you have chosen one door, he reveals one of the other two doors behind which is a goat (he wouldn't reveal a car).

Now he gives you the chance to switch to the other unrevealed door or stay at your initial choice. You will then get what is behind that door.

You cannot hear the goats from behind the doors, or in any way know which door has the prize.

Should you stay, or switch, or doesn't it matter ?

Mind Teasers : Password Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Angelina Jolie is trapped in a tomb. The only way to escape is figure out a 13 character password. Following are the five clues that are available to her.

Precisely two of the below statements are false.
The password is confined within this sentence.
The password is not in this hint.
The password is inside only one of these statements.
At least one of the above statement is a lie.
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Tough River Crossing Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

This one is a bit of tricky river crossing puzzle than you might have solved till now. We have a whole family out on a picnic on one side of the river. The family includes Mother and Father, two sons, two daughters, a maid and a dog. The bridge broke down and all they have is a boat that can take them towards the other side of the river. But there is a condition with the boat. It can hold just two persons at one time (count the dog as one person).

No it does not limit to that and there are other complications. The dog can’t be left without the maid or it will bite the family members. The father can’t be left with daughters without the mother and in the same manner, the mother can’t be left alone with the sons without the father. Also an adult is needed to drive the boat and it can’t drive by itself.

How will all of them reach the other side of the river?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Tricky Brain Teaser Problem

Difficulty Popularity

I was invited on a pet show by a fellow colleague. Since I was a bit busy that day, I sent my brother to the show. When he returned back I asked him about the show. He told me that all except two animals were fishes, all except two animals were cats and all except two entries were dogs.

To his statement I was a bit puzzled and I could not understand how many animals of each kind were present in that pet show. Can you tell me?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

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