Mind Teasers : Distance Between Houses Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Peter and Rhea lives some distance apart from each other, separated by a straight road. They both take out their cars and start driving at the same time with the same speed towards each other's home.

After some time, their cars meet at 500 miles away from Peter's house. They keep driving and reach at each other's home. Without stopping by, they turn back and start driving again. This time, they meet 300 miles away from each other's home.

What is the distance between their houses?


Mind Teasers : Classic Card Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A pack of cards has 52 cards. You are blindfolded. Out of 52, 42 cards are facing down while 10 are facing up. You have been asked to divide this pack of cards into two decks - so that each deck contains an equal number of face up cards. Remember, you are blindfolded.

How will you do it?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : 12 Sum Matchstick Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

We have arranged matchsticks in a manner that all the first row, second row, first column and third column contain 12 matchsticks each. Can you remove 4 matchsticks and rearrange all the remaining matchsticks that we are still left with 12 matchsticks in the first row, second row, first column and the third column.

Mind Teasers : Tricky Adam Eve Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Stephen died of heart attack. His soul was received in heaven. He was astonished to find himself as young as he had been in his young adult age. He looked around and there were thousands of young and naked people. His eyes searched to find someone familiar and suddenly he noticed Adam and Eve.

How did Stephen recognize them?

Mind Teasers : Logic Math Problem

Difficulty Popularity

David and Albert are playing a game. There are digits from 1 to 9. The catch is that each one of them has to cut one digit and add it to his respective sum. The one who is able to obtain a sum of exact 15 will win the game?

You are a friend of David. Do you suggest him to play first or second?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Riddle 1 - 1 !=3

Difficulty Popularity

Can you move four matchsticks to make the equation true?

Mind Teasers : Two Men One Question Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Imagine that you are travelling to a village. You happen to reach a point in the road where there is a fork. There are two ways that you can go into but only one amongst them is correct and leads to the village. You happen to see two men standing on the fork and you can ask them for the direction. To your bad luck, one amongst the two men always lies and the other one always says the truth. But you do not know who is a liar and who is not. At that point of the situation you are allowed to ask only one question to any one of the men standing there.

What question will you ask?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : How Many Seconds In A Year Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Without the use of calculation, can you find how many seconds are there in a year ?

Mind Teasers : Oscar Winning Movie Rebus Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which famous Oscar movie name is hidden in the rebus below?

category : REBUS | PICTURE

Mind Teasers : Cross The River Mind Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A river should be crossed by a father, a mother and their two sons and two daughters.
There are some rules that should be followed while crossing the river. There can be only two people in the raft while crossing. The daughters cannot be with their father unless there is the presence of the mother. The sons cannot be with their mothers unless the father is present. Unless the guard is on the board, the criminals cannot be with any of the family members. Only the adults like the father, the guard, and the mother knows to use the raft.

How will they cross the river?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Logical Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Jonathan has three boxes containing milk chocolates and dark chocolates. The problem is that all of them have been labeled incorrectly as follows.
Box1: Dark Chocolates
Box2: Milk Chocolates
Box3: Dark Chocolates and Milk Chocolates

How will he label all the boxes correctly by just opening one box?
category : LOGIC

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