Mind Teasers : 9 + 9 / 9 + 9 * 9 - 9

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Can you solve the below viral equation puzzle?

9 + 9 / 9 + 9 * 9 - 9

category : MATHS | EQUATION


Mind Teasers : Maths Equation Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Arrange four eights(9) and a one(1) and only one mathematical symbol to make it equal to 100

Mind Teasers : Three Magic Numbers Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Find three magic number such that ?

* Product of three numbers is prime.
* 2nd number - 1st number = 3rd number - 2nd number
category : LOGIC | MATHS

Mind Teasers : Changed Password Trick Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

On a random day , i was not able to logged-in with my bank password , so i contacted them on phone.
Our conversation is stated as :

myself : My password is altered.
myself : I am not able to logged-in.
customer-executive : Your password is distinct this time and it got 8 letters , out of which 2 are same of your previous password.
myself: Thanks , now i am able to logged-in.

Whats my old and new passwords ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

Mind Teasers : Math Trick Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Removing one from eleven makes it ten and removing one from nine makes it ten.

Is it even possible?

Mind Teasers : Whats The Temperature Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

Below rebus represents the current Temperature.


What is the current Temperature ?
category : REBUS

Mind Teasers : Logic Interview Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

prinka and tanu organized a small kitty party at home. They purchased a barrel of fruit juice.

Tanu told to prinka 'I bet this barrel of fruit juice is more than half full'.
'No, its less than half full' prinka replied.

I don't have any measuring instrument and without removing fruit juice from it , how can i determine which of us is right ?
category : LOGIC

Mind Teasers : Statement Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Christanio Ronaldo is a strange liar.

He lies on six days of the week, but on the seventh day he always tells the truth.

He made the following statements on three successive days:

Day 1: 'I lie on Monday and Tuesday.'
Day 2: 'Today, it's Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday.'
Day 3: 'I lie on Wednesday and Friday.'

On which day does Christanio Ronaldo tell the truth?

Mind Teasers : Quick Thinking Maths Problem

Difficulty Popularity

A petri dish kept in a lab has a colony of healthy bacteria. Every bacterium divides itself into two in exactly two minutes. Now the colony started with a single cell at 2 pm. If the petri dish was exactly half full of bacteria at 3 pm, when will the dish become full of bacteria?

Mind Teasers : Really Good Clever Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A young lady was approached by an elderly woman who took her hand and meeting her eyes said to her, "You look starkly similar of my daughter. I lost her last month. I loved her a lot. Can you do me a favor? Can you say 'Goodbye mother' as I leave this restaurant. I will feel good if you do."

The young lady was puzzled but seeking her kind eyes, she agreed. As the elderly woman was leaving the restaurant, she said, "Goodbye mother" waving her hand toward her with a kind expression on her face.

Soon after, she received the shock of her life. Can you guess what it was?

Mind Teasers : No Death Penalty For Kill Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Ramsay was killed by Sansa in front of everyone but the judge was not sure how to punish Sansa. Why is the judge confused?
category : TRIVIA

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