#1 - Crossing Bridge Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

The scenario comprises of a wobbly bridge and four people. It is the night time and the people have only one torch. Without torch one may risk his life in crossing the bridge. Also we have a condition; the bridge is not quite strong and can hold only two persons together at one. The four people take different time to cross the bridge - 1 min, 2 min, 7 min and 10 min.

Since the torch is a necessity and the bride can't hold more than two persons at a time, two persons must travel at a time out of which one must return with the torch so they don't risk their life crossing in the dark.

What is the shortest time that will be required for all of them to cross the bridge?

#2 - Colliding Trains Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A train is moving from station A to station B at 15 mph. Another train is moving in the opposite direction from station B to A at a speed of 20mph. A vulture is flying from Station A to station B at 25 mph. When the vulture reaches at the train moving from Station B to A, it starts flying back and flies at the same speed till it reaches the train moving from station A to B and starts flying in the reverse direction again. The vulture keeps flying to and fro till both the trains collide with each other.

What is the total distance that is traveled by the vulture?

#3 - Climbing Ant Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

An ant climbs 6 meters and falls 3 meters in the alternate minutes. How much time will the ant take to climb a wall that is 60 meters high?

#4 - Bouncing Object Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A round bouncing object is dropped from a building of height 20 feet. Every time it touches the floor, it bounces back to a height which is one half of the height of the last bounce.

If you measure till the objects comes to rest, how much distance would it have covered by then?

a) 30 feet
b) 40 feet
c) 50 feet
d) 60 feet

#5 - Length of Bridge Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

Alex Mahone was standing on a bridge and precisely 5m away from the center of the bridge. He saw a train coming from the end that was nearest to him. Seeing it, he ran towards the train and managed to jump off the track when the train was 2m away from the bridge. However, if he would have run in the opposite direction, the train would have hit him 2m before the end of the bridge.

If the speed of train is four times that of Alex Mahone, what is the length of the bridge in meters?

#6 - Distance and Speed Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

Peter travels 20 km a day uniformly. John starts from the same point peter started after three days. He travels at a speed of 15 km a day on the first day, at 19 km a day of the second day and so on following an arithmetic progression.

In how many days will he catch up with Peter?

#7 - Distance Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Peninsula and Queens are two opposite shores of a river. If boat A leaves the Peninsula and boat B leaves Queens at constant speed (however the speeds are not same) they meet at 600m from Peninsula for the first time. While returning back after touching the shores, they meet at 200m from Queens.

What is the distance between Queens and Peninsula ?

#8 - Time Distance Statement Problem

Difficulty Popularity

If the distance of Anastasia's house from Bella's house is 10 Km and the distance of Cinna's house from Bella's house is 17 Km.

Which of the following statement is true?
a) Anastasia lives between the houses of Bella and Cinna.
b) Bella lives between the houses of Anastasia and Cinna.
c) Cinna lives between the houses of Anastasia and Bella
d) Both A and B.

#9 - Interview Problem On Determining Speed

Difficulty Popularity

Adam and Eve are boating in a river upstream. They are carrying a magical leaf that can heal any kind of wounds. After rowing the boat for a mile, Eve notices that the leaf has fallen in the river. After five minutes, she tells Adam that the leaf has fallen. In order to get the leaf back, they turn around and grab the leaf at the point from where they had begun boating after five minutes.

What is the speed of the river?

#10 - Chasing Cats Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

Suppose that there is a unit square. There are four cats sitting at the four different corners of the square. Each of those cats start chasing the other cat in the clockwise direction. The speed of the cats are same and constant and they continuously change their direction in a manner that they are always heading straight to the other cat.

How long will it take for the cats to catch each other? Where will they catch each other?

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