#1 - Guess the Password Interview Puzzle

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I was working in a highly secured company that needed to keep highest possible encryption. On a random day I logged into my system and it said password denied. Then it caught my attention that the passwords were changed randomly on any day for maximum security and that it could only be obtained from the boss in that case.

I went to the cabin of my boss and said, "Boss, my old password is out of dare."

He replied, "Yes I know about it. Though your new password is different, it has the same amount of letters as your previous one and also four of the letters are same."

Can you deduce the old password and the new password?

#2 - Logical Treasure Interview Puzzle

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Sheldon Cooper reaches the final destination in his quest of finding the hidden treasures. The final destination has two doors - one leads to the treasure and the other leads to a deadly maze that ends only at death. The doors are protected by two guards. Both of the guards know the correct door that leads to the treasure. One of the guards never speaks a lie and the other always speaks a lie. But the sad part is that there is no way Sheldon Cooper can identify who is the liar and who speaks truth. Also the guards allow only one question to be asked to any one of the both.

What question will Sheldon Cooper ask and to whom to finally get the treasure he has been searching for?

#3 - Find the Truth Teller Interview Riddle

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Just to test the brilliance of Sherlock's mind, Dr. Watson makes five people stand in front of him. Out of the five, only one is the truth teller and the other four are togglers which means they may tell the truth or lie on being asked. But on being asked again, they will switch which means if they told a lie the first time, they will tell the truth on second question and vice versa.

Sherlock is challenged to ask only two questions to determine who the truth teller is. He can ask both the questions to the same person or ask two different people. How will he determine who is the truth teller?

#4 - Warm Up Interview Question

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A man pushed his car into a hotel and lost all of his fortune. How can this be possible?

#5 - Jigsaw Trap Interview Puzzle

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Detective Hoffman wakes up in a room to find himself in a trap set by Jigsaw. The room has two exits i.e. two doors. One of the door leads to a chamber made by magnifying glass. If Hoffman exits through that door, the burning sun will fry him up within moments. The second door exit leads to a fire breathing dragon.

What is the possible way in which Detective Hoffman can set himself free from the Jigsaw trap?

#6 - Popular Interview Riddle

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Find the name of a country in the following sentence

After being hit by a bull, Peter Parker's pain could only be relieved by an ice compressor.

#7 - Intel Word Puzzle

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The following set of letters may appear totally irrelevant but they can be crafted out into real words if you add three letters in the beginning and that very three letters at the end. Can you find out those three letters in each case?


Hint: Suppose you are given a word ANGLEM and you have to find three letters in the same fashion, you can add ENT in the beginning and at the end. ENT + ANGLEM + ENT will become ENTANGLEMENT.

#8 - Jumbled Words Interview Question

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If you look closely at the letters mentioned below, you will find four related words that have been merged and jumbled up. Can you?


#9 - Yahoo Interview Anagram Puzzle

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Following are some four letter words. If an alphabet is added to each one of them and they are rearranged, they can form a five letter word. Also, the thus found seven letters are an anagram to a seven letter word.

Can you find all that?

The words are:

#10 - Popular Sphinx Interview Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Name a creature that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon and three legs in the evening.

Insight: This logical riddle was asked by Sphinx to Odyphius according to the Green Mythology.

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