#1 - Toughest Bulb Logic Interview Puzzle

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There are 100 bulbs lined up in a room. All are turned on in the first pass. Then all the even numbered light bulbs are switched off. After that, every third bulb is switched on. Then all those bulbs that were switched off are turned back on and all those that were lit are turned off. Then the same process is being carried with the fourth bulb and the fifth bulb.

How many bulbs are glowing after 100 passes?

#2 - Box with Defective Balls Interview Question

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Here is a situation. You have 10 boxes that contains balls with each of the ball weighing 10 grams precisely. Now among the boxes, one of the box comprises of defective balls with each defective ball weighing 9 grams. You have been provided with an electronic weighing machine but you are allowed to use it only once.

Can you find out which box contains defective balls?

#3 - Fastest Horse Interview Puzzle

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You are provided with twenty five different horses and you must find out who are the fastest horses. You can conduct a race of five horses only at one time. There is no point in the race where you can find out the actual speed of a horse in a race.

How many races will it take to help you determine the fastest three horses?

#4 - Two Eggs Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Eggs have quite a unique property. They may be extremely fragile that they may break by mere a drop from your hand. However, they may not break even if they are dropped from the 100th floor. That is exactly what you have in this problem. You have two identical eggs and you have access to a 100 story building.

The question is how many drops you will make before you can find out the highest possible floor of the building from which the egg can be dropped without breaking. Remember you only have two eggs to break.

#5 - Truthcity or Liarcity Interview Puzzle

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You are extremely excited to finally visit Truthcity, a city where everyone speaks truth forever their life. On way, you find a two diverging roads and there is no board to suggest which way leads to the Truthcity. However you do know that the other road leads to Liarcity, a city where every single person always speaks a lie. You meet a man passing by who allows you to ask one question as he will not answer more than one. The problem is that you don't know whether the man is from Truthcity or the Liarcity.

What is the question that you will pop up that tells you the way to Truthcity?

#6 - Logical Treasure Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Sheldon Cooper reaches the final destination in his quest of finding the hidden treasures. The final destination has two doors - one leads to the treasure and the other leads to a deadly maze that ends only at death. The doors are protected by two guards. Both of the guards know the correct door that leads to the treasure. One of the guards never speaks a lie and the other always speaks a lie. But the sad part is that there is no way Sheldon Cooper can identify who is the liar and who speaks truth. Also the guards allow only one question to be asked to any one of the both.

What question will Sheldon Cooper ask and to whom to finally get the treasure he has been searching for?

#7 - Find the Truth Teller Interview Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Just to test the brilliance of Sherlock's mind, Dr. Watson makes five people stand in front of him. Out of the five, only one is the truth teller and the other four are togglers which means they may tell the truth or lie on being asked. But on being asked again, they will switch which means if they told a lie the first time, they will tell the truth on second question and vice versa.

Sherlock is challenged to ask only two questions to determine who the truth teller is. He can ask both the questions to the same person or ask two different people. How will he determine who is the truth teller?

#8 - Warden and Prisoners Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

23 selected prisoners are summoned by the warden. He gives them a choice of playing a game with him that might ensure their escape from the prison or might as well lead them towards painful death. The prisoners think that this is the only chance for them to be free again and agrees to him.

The warden tell them that there is a room which has just two switches which are labelled 1 or 2. The switches may be up or down and the condition is not known at present. They are not connected to anything. The warden may select any prisoner on any day and send him to the switch room. The prisoner will have to select any one switch and reverse its position i.e. if it is up, he will turn it down and if it is down, he will turn it up. He can and must only flip one switch and then he will be confined to his cell again.

The warden may choose the same prisoner more than one time and he will be choosing completely randomly. But at a certain point of time, everyone will have visited the switch room. And at any time, the prisoners may declare that everyone has visited the room at least once. If they will be true, they will be set free but if they will be wrong, they will be killed.

The warden gives them an hour to plan any kind of strategy and then they will be confined to their respective cells and will never be allowed to meet. What strategy can help them be free?

#9 - Kony Logical Interview Question

Difficulty Popularity

During a recent theft case, Sherlock Holmes was interviewing five local villains to try and deduce who stole the diamond necklace. Below is a summary of their statements:

Armie: it wasn't Eric
It was Billy

Billy: it wasn't Christopher
It wasn't Eric

Christopher: it was Eric
It wasn't Armie

Dylan: it was Christopher
It was Billy

Eric: it was Dylan
It wasn't Armie

It was determined that each of the suspects told ne lie. Sherlock knows who stole the necklace. Do you?

#10 - Fishermen and Fishes Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Six fishermen catches six fishes in six minutes. How many fishermen will be needed to catch sixty fishes in sixty minutes?

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